Tag Archives: Creative Wonders

Hello world! Welcome To Creative Wonders To Living


Hello All and Welcome!

My name is Thelma Harcum and I am a musician, artist,  writer, nurse, and have many other interest. One of the most important thing I would like you to know about me is that I am a grassroots person who love to explore other opinions, cultures, and viewpoints of life.

I am an African-American and is proud to have been born in the State of Virginia. I came from a family of people who owned restaurants and farms.

Cooking and Sewing are some of my interest as well.  I dabbled in aviation and can fly a airplane and learned on a Twin Cessna aircraft. I’m very interested in protecting the environment and try to go green whenever I can.

My purpose for this site is to introduce subjects that would be of interest to you.  I hope to connect you to resources that will enlighten you life and to inform you on new updates of world events.  I would say this is a self-improvement blog that include problem resolutions and adventures to open and explore.

Some of the subjects I’ll be writing about are, health issues, consumer issues, how-to articles, and family life.

As you see, I have lead a very diversified life and is always researching what I don’t know.

I truly welcome your reviews and comments on the articles I write. Feedback and sharing information is vital to anyone who want to promote their blog. Your support is important to me!

My motto in life is: ” One person can make a difference to improve life in this changing world.”=

As I develop this site with all of the goodies that is needed for a blog, you can in the meantime,  view my other websites.

Thank you for visiting this website and I’m looking forward to having you visit here for some awesome articles.




by Thelma  Harcum