Monthly Archives: May 2022

Ways To Save on Gas and Other Products

Save money on Gas and Other Products.

   As the gas prices seem to rise every day, you can make your own plans to save money.

     Let Gas Buddy be your friend in these trying times.   

They also have e a Trip Cost Calculator you can use as well as download their app on your phone. 

The gas price charts are very helpful. 

Don’t forget to tell your friends about lower-priced gas on your travels. These days, every penny counts!Gas Mileage Calculator

    You might want to stock up on foods you use a lot of and start using less of it. Items like paper towels and toilet paper will surely go up in price, but you can cut from their use by being more conscious of how much you need. Perhaps use cloth hand towels in between. 

     Many people don’t know they can buy your local weekend newspaper at the dollar store as well as bread. For $1.25, that’s not a bad deal. 

     This might be a good time to buy a bicycle. Yes, can you imagine you wake up one day and the price double?  You will be going nowhere, fast! Cliche, but true!  Keep your health in mind when shopping.  Less can be more and a  little of a good product is better for your health; such as vegetables and organically grown products.  

        I buy spring water over purified water, in that purified wanted is treated water over the natural spring water.  Springwater is cheaper in the big gallon jugs than in plastic bottles.  Remember to recycle them as that is one way to cut down your carbon footprint. 

Remember, you can negotiate for lower prices on your home and car insurance as well as other services you need.  When someone else offers you a lower price, that can be the deal changer to help you get a better deal even if you don’t get an offer from another company. Just get on the phone and let your agent you are on a search for a lower price and what can you do to help me.

Also, CASH is KING.!  That can be the best way of saving money, too.  I saved over $3,000 on my house roof by paying in cash or by my certified bank check.

Make sure you get a receipt if you do pay in cash. Even take a picture of it in case the job is not done right.

Share what you know will make the world a happier place. It’s a motto I live by, because sharing is caring!

by Thelma Harcum

I thank all who have visited my website and I’m looking forward to writing more articles like this.   I welcome your comments and views.   Also, if you have tips on how others can save money.  Peace and Love!

The Mariupol Steel Plant Ukrainian Soldiers Great Bravery

The bravery of Ukraine’s Soldiers  Can’t Be Forgotten and all who fought with Them!

All of Ukraine’s soldiers and those who fought and are still fighting,  for they are the bravest people imagined.

It is not wrong to fight for what’s yours as you were given no options.

It is not sad to see the soldiers accept a seize fire over what I would say surrender in order for them to have a chance to live and see their families again.  One day, all of Ukraine’s land will return to them and I believe this, but under another regimen.

I am also pleased to see the other Ukraine released to safety prior to this unforgettable battle.

Putin has put his own people’s lives at risk and death for not reason enough to cause this type of coinage.

The world should not forget this war.  Most of what has happened in war of this sort are that they depend on people forgetting or lacking it up as misinformation. Just like in the Jewish Holocaust. (it didn’t happen) Hopefully, there will be documentary after documentary to tell this story.  Why land is more important than a person’s life, I’ll never know as in this situation the protecting of what’s yours is different from the aggressor, Russia-where even their own people’s lives don’t matter.

This war against Ukraine is a Travesty!

I’m sure there will be many memorials to honor all those people who gave their lives for their homeland and to protect their democracy.  Democracy is a bad word for a dictator.  Democracy is the freedom of mind, heart, and soul to think and respect the rights of others while maintaining yours.

One might win the war, but lose the true value of a person’s soul and spirit when atrocities have been committed against them.

History will repeat itself if you don’t remember all that has occurred as this is a full sample of what is happening in Ukraine.

I thought we were a more intelligent society, that could be diplomatic in cases like this, but it seems that talking was not an option. Killing and destroying was one person’s decision not to follow a diplomatic solution.

This is why all nations bordering the land of Russia should absolutely join NATO!

May God warm the hearts of the survivors of this Unnecessary War!

And may God protect the Russian people who are persecuted for their fight against the Ukrainian people for they have no rights, no voice, and no real life to live as they wish.

Freedom should not be taken for Granted! Anymore!

The War is Not Done, Keep up the support for all the people who are displaced and All the countries that took them in. There will be needs all around and somewhere on this site, I’ll find the link to places you can donate.  has a donation site as well as others.

WordPresss Is OnBoard With The Fight For Helping War-Torn Ukraine Through Their Network – Creative Wonders To Living (

by Thelma Harcum