Monthly Archives: October 2020

Make Your Vote Count!

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Voting is your RIGHT!

We are up against a very important election year and as we face many challenges, we need to put the best person in the white house.

Though I’m Democratic, I also know that it is important to get our country back in a more united way. This country depends on all of us working together to build the country where it should be. As a nurse, discrimination has no place in my profession nor in my everyday life. You can’t separate the country and call it the United States of American.

So, let’s make a better America by casting your vote for the best that we can get. No one is perfect as we see, so it is up to us to make a change within any of the 2 parties that is usually on the voter’s ballot.

Also, by the way, I’m back from 3 months of having to go through the renewal of my domain from which I missed the message. So check you spam and make sure you don’t have to wait for the process to go through. Thankfully, my host company was very helpful in working out some of the details. I learned some new words in the process, such as Propagation and DNS lookup.

Everyone, please stay safe and listen to the scientist. You life is important to us. I’m sorry if you’ve lost a relative, friend or job associate. This Covid-19 has affected each and everyone of us.

Just to remember to smile under your mask and others will see it! Your eyes reveal a lot about how you feel. So smile, smile and smile. That idea could be contagious-a good contagious.

God bless you all and God Bless America and World Peace and Care!

Thelma Harcum

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Voting is your RIGHT!

We are up against a very important election year and as we face many challenges, we need to put the best person in the white house.

Though I’m Democratic, I also know that it is important to get our country back in a more united way. This country depends on all of us working together to build the country where it should be. As a nurse, discrimination has no place in my profession nor in my everyday life. You can’t separate the country and call it the United States of American.

So, let’s make a better America by casting your vote for the best that we can get. No one is perfect as we see, so it is up to us to make a change within any of the 2 parties that is usually on the voter’s ballot.

Also, by the way, I’m back from 3 months of having to go through the renewal of my domain from which I missed the message. So check you spam and make sure you don’t have to wait for the process to go through. Thankfully, my host company was very helpful in working out some of the details. I learned some new words in the process, such as Propagation and DNS lookup.

Everyone, please stay safe and listen to the scientist. You life is important to us. I’m sorry if you’ve lost a relative, friend or job associate. This Covid-19 has affected each and everyone of us.

Just to remember to smile under your mask and others will see it! Your eyes reveal a lot about how you feel. So smile, smile and smile. That idea could be contagious-a good contagious.

God bless you all and God Bless America and World Peace and Care!

Thelma Harcum