Tag Archives: Vote

Voting IS Your Right In America! No Time To Sleep AT The Wheel !




Hello, All,

No matter who you; are, we in America are one country,  but now as I see a clearer picture.   it is a country of 2 and 3 thoughts of what democracy is as a whole.  The whole is broken into many pieces that are not creative or even practical.

So when this country starts living in the truth, nothing will get done and things will deteriorate more and more.  We have many issues that are so problematic, that there might not be a recovery.  So much money wasted on a bunch of nonsense, that it will take many years to get back on track and start moving forward for the country as a whole.

Maybe for the first time, we see how far back we are as a country because the truth from the get-go has not been seen and acted upon.  History is the destroyer of the system as it is in that still, we do not have equal rights and equal opportunities.

Though voting is important, what can one person do to make a change in our country from which many other countries benefit?

No matter who’s in office, we must track the work they do and make them accountable for what is needed in this country.  That means all levels of our system-that include preserving some land for the animals to exist. Taking away their habitat is truly a crime to behold.  To go forward, we must go back. Go back to Nature, Go back to respecting humanity, Go back to correcting the wrongs of the pass. and Go back to communication and understanding other’s cultures and what they have contributed to America and the world and giving them recognition for the work they have done.

And so your vote covers many, many issues that confront us today.  From conception in the womb to life to a good healthy young-old age,  there are needs and nurturing of all groups of people.

So voting is not just about a right to vote, but voting for the best person to get the job done and a person who has a heart and compassion for all people.

This country has got to save itself before it can save anyone else.

We can’t promote the drug industry and lock people up after they have destroyed themselves, leaving the taxpayers with more burdens when we should be promoting better health,  strong focus on everyone getting a great education,  and moving the country in a more sustainable way of life and most of all, protect the earth.  It’s all we got for now.

The gun violence we see today has a lot to do about mental health issues,  the sale of guns availability and selling to those who don’t get registered and have background checks, the deteriorating family structure, lack of follow-up on children with special needs, the lack of jobs, the lack of male and female mentorship, poverty, racism, and the unequal opportunity for African-American and other challenged groups of people,  the fair practice of equal opportunity.

So read about your candidate, search your conscience, and do the right thing! VOTE! and Vote Every election. ( Your primary election can be just as important and the general elections.  The primary election is a factor of those who are the ones who are running your local government.  There’s a lot more to speak about the importance of a primary election.  A lot.  I will speak more about that in the future.

Thank you for visiting my website and I really appreciate you voting and encouraging others to do likewise.  Social media is truly a great tool to spread the news of anything important to you.  You can do something about that state of our American system. Just start talking to people-anywhere, anytime, and anyone.


by, Thelma Harcum


Make Your Vote Count!

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Voting is your RIGHT!

We are up against a very important election year and as we face many challenges, we need to put the best person in the white house.

Though I’m Democratic, I also know that it is important to get our country back in a more united way. This country depends on all of us working together to build the country where it should be. As a nurse, discrimination has no place in my profession nor in my everyday life. You can’t separate the country and call it the United States of American.

So, let’s make a better America by casting your vote for the best that we can get. No one is perfect as we see, so it is up to us to make a change within any of the 2 parties that is usually on the voter’s ballot.

Also, by the way, I’m back from 3 months of having to go through the renewal of my domain from which I missed the message. So check you spam and make sure you don’t have to wait for the process to go through. Thankfully, my host company was very helpful in working out some of the details. I learned some new words in the process, such as Propagation and DNS lookup.

Everyone, please stay safe and listen to the scientist. You life is important to us. I’m sorry if you’ve lost a relative, friend or job associate. This Covid-19 has affected each and everyone of us.

Just to remember to smile under your mask and others will see it! Your eyes reveal a lot about how you feel. So smile, smile and smile. That idea could be contagious-a good contagious.

God bless you all and God Bless America and World Peace and Care!

Thelma Harcum

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Voting is your RIGHT!

We are up against a very important election year and as we face many challenges, we need to put the best person in the white house.

Though I’m Democratic, I also know that it is important to get our country back in a more united way. This country depends on all of us working together to build the country where it should be. As a nurse, discrimination has no place in my profession nor in my everyday life. You can’t separate the country and call it the United States of American.

So, let’s make a better America by casting your vote for the best that we can get. No one is perfect as we see, so it is up to us to make a change within any of the 2 parties that is usually on the voter’s ballot.

Also, by the way, I’m back from 3 months of having to go through the renewal of my domain from which I missed the message. So check you spam and make sure you don’t have to wait for the process to go through. Thankfully, my host company was very helpful in working out some of the details. I learned some new words in the process, such as Propagation and DNS lookup.

Everyone, please stay safe and listen to the scientist. You life is important to us. I’m sorry if you’ve lost a relative, friend or job associate. This Covid-19 has affected each and everyone of us.

Just to remember to smile under your mask and others will see it! Your eyes reveal a lot about how you feel. So smile, smile and smile. That idea could be contagious-a good contagious.

God bless you all and God Bless America and World Peace and Care!

Thelma Harcum