Keep Your Balance In Life

Hello Readers, Friends, and Family,

I hope you are having a wonderful day and have great plans for tomorrow.

So much has been occurring in the news and in all of our daily lives.

It can be difficult to keep up with everything, I’m sure.

I still think keeping a notebook handy to write notes in is one of the best things to do to keep up with all the changes that hit you all at one time.

Having patience and standing your grounds when you need to is essential to your independent thinking, integrity, and well-being.

Keeping a balance also means enjoying those moments of space in time to rejuvenate and just let your hair down.

Next to writing things down that will help you remember, is communicating with others and sharing information that could be useful to them.  For an instance, texting to friends where the lower gas prices are in your town and any recalls on foods, medicines, and other items that could affect one’s life.

Monitoring your health is one of the most important things you can do to keep a balance in your life.  That means, annual medical check-ups, eating healthier, and drinking your daily requirement of water.

Other ways of keeping a balance is your financial health.  Keeping up with your bills, and a good savings plan, all are a part of your well-being.

This is not the last issue on balance but cutting down on clutter really help you to have space to be more creative and a clear mind.  Things accumulate over the years, but there are so many ways to lessen the pain of clearing things out be it be giving things to goodwill, salvation army, restore habitat, selling online, and throwing out things no one can use.

So, keeping a balance in life can be the challenge, but by doing a little at a time and being focus, you can have a better quality of life.

Making your “To Do List” is easy. A lain piece of paper can be mapped out to add other items on it as well such as doc tors appointments, shopping list, birthday of the month list, etc. Once you’ve  made a  blueprint copy of your “To Do List”, you can make copies with your printer and add a space for your date and time. When I get a chance, I will make one, or you can check on a website that have free forms.  Its more exciting to make your own.

Chow, for now. There’s a lot to talk about.


By Thelma Harcum



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Why Philadelphia Eagles Fans and News Media Should Never Make A Negative Statement Against Their Team


(And how about being more welcoming to the teams that visit Philadelphia- the historic and cultured city it is.)


Hello Everyone,

Yes, our Philadelphia Eagles players have done a most awesome job in trying to win in any possible way they can.  I am most proud of all the team members, but what I’m concern about is the criticism of the teams playing, win or lose.

Having this blog, I’m sure is my outlet to protest, comment, and look for a change in fan sportsmanship.

This is what i wrote a few minutes ago to express my feelings about Eagles, Fans, and Sports and News Media web sites.

Hopefully, somebody will get my comments out because, I’ve written about this a few years ago, and on one of the stations how some people are concern about how fans treat outsiders.  To bring more people into the city to support the city economically, a warm attitude will take the city a long way.  The towing company here need to take a page out of this too. People who come and experience a bad one will not come back and will tell many others and those people will tell people they know.  it’s the way any business works..  Do the math.

The Philadelphia Eagles play the Cardinals today and if they win, great, if they lose, I’ll still love this team.

I would like to protest against the News Media and many of the fans telling negative comments about the Eagles, even when they win. The Eagles team is and have been one of the best football team of all times. The Philadelphia Eagles know what they have to do, but it all depends on how the ball rolls and to remember that the other team is playing just as hard to win. The Eagles players are not slaves for people to belittle them whether they win or lose.

Also, the Philadelphia fans and community should be more welcoming toward any team that come to Philadelphia period! Yes, I’m very concern and more than upset for this on-going practice of the harsh attitude, comments, and spirit of fans and media people. It’s still a game of win or lose. I’m with this team win or lose!

What the Eagles team are looking to do to play their best game, is 1. Less Fouls,

2More running the ball, 3. No Turnovers, 4. Great decisions to Analize when the winning is in a tight spot of time verses the close points to losem if the other team win a touchdown in the last 5 and 10, 5. better defense, and winning-no matter what people thinks and how you do it-as long as it is in good sportsmanship.6. No injuries.

Ok, I’ve said it!  I’m still learning football, but at least I got my points out there.


by Thelma Harcum/A woman perspective on Sportsmanship’s and Good Will to Others

Focus For The New Year

Hello Readers,

Happy holidays to you and your families.  I’m glad to be back as I recover from a unexpected fall.  Being in the medical field myself, really help me to understand so much about the care needed to get better.  This is why I write about safety often on this blog, because so much can happen in a blink of an eye. Most falls are accidental, or dued to negligence of some sort.  Do be safe in everything you do. Most people recover from a fall, but other can have lifetime injuries that can be life changing.

As we approach the new year, have you been thinking of how you can improve our present situation with so many changes that have occurred this year including the Pandemic, climate change and war?  Have you reflected back to what you have already contributed to make the world better in some sort of way? And now, as you plan for your future, are you doing something for yourself to enhance your health, financial and family connections?

Though we can’t solve all problems of the world, it is those little things we do to make a dent in not only yourself, but that of others.

Give yourself credit for all the wonderful things you do for others.  Even write it down if you need to, because we forget all that we have done for others and forget your own needs.

Again, well wishes for you for the holidays, and always think a little about tomorrow.  There’s a lot to talk about as we head into 2024. Praying for peace in the world could be the best start.  Saving Earth from the turmoil of humans towards each other, is truly something to be concern about.

Yes, there’s a lot to talk about and do. Climate change have made more people homeless than ever before.  Affordable homes are greatly needed and equality in education and pay really affect the American economy. Just one piece of the puzzle missing will not give you the complete picture, to see, understand, and react for change.

Thank you for visiting this blog.  My best advice for the year is to stop, look, listen, learn and react.  Be grateful for all you have, and don’t take anyone for granted.  Even if someone you really don’t care to be speaking to them-someone you know already and is sane- it’s good to respond back in some form, because they deserve that respect as a human-being.  There is such a thing as limited friendships. Some friends you know you can talk about certain subjects and others you can’t.  You’ve got to know your people.  Seriously!

With so much tracking going on, you don’t have to say in your texting, exactly where you’re going or coming from to those you don’t want to share that information.  To yourself, be your own best friend.


Talk soon, (looking forward to your comments.)

Thelma Harcum


How The Climate Change Affects Everyone

Hello Everyone,

Time is flying and so much has happened in our world that affects how we live today and our future.

As I watch the weather disasters around the world, it really makes me wonder about the future of earth as we know it.

It is very difficult to not know that people’s lives have changed dued to their personal experiences in trying to rebuild their lives after damaging storms.  Giving at a time like this is what many people do to support their efforts to rebuild and to maintain some comfort, be it in a shelter, with family or temporary government housing assistance.

So continue to give what you can financially and even give support to pick up the pieces to damaged homes and businesses.  Offering a meal to families hard hit is always appreciated as the storms seems to be coming at a more frequency rate.

I really appreciate the weather people who warns us of up-coming storms, hurricanes, tornados and storm surges from many coastal areas.  I happened to keep my TV at Fox Weather. There are others weather stations that also do an awesome job of reporting the weather.  I’m thankful to them as well as all of the weather men and women who warns us so that we can prepare.

I truly appreciate the electrical  and emergency  men and woman out there working hard to restore power to homes and save lives. Not enough can be said in appreciation of all their hard work.

I’ve written on several of my blogs about preparing for a storm emergency. Check my site for the great tips you can read and the links I placed from other web pages.

Hopefully, everyone is listening and making plans in event your town gets hit by any of these storms and take all precautions given to yo!.  Most towns have an emergency alert system that will notify you via phone and TV. So, keep your phone charged and event have a transistor radio on hand in case the cell phone towers are down. Yes, you can still get a transistor radio; just google it and they will pop up.

Call and check on your elderly neighbors and family in general and share information with them as weather conditions changes around you.  Find out where your nearest shelter is and what is your community plan for evacuation if need.  The most important thing is to be alert and move out of harm’s way of falling trees, electrical wires, and escape routes from your house and where to relocate.

Make a plan for everyone and also, take the time to get out to enjoy what good weather and days left of the season to regenerate.

If you know a terrible storm is coming to your area with short notice, it don’t hurt to stay dressed-with shoes and boots on-, hand bag, keys nearby, dentures in and your emergency bag near you.  It might sound funny now, but with what we are all seeing, it’s  no joke when it happens to you.  I know some people have a boat near their window or door in case they need to get out of their homes from rising water. Many people say to keep an ax in the home in case the attic is the only escape! I hope that never happens to you!  Taking your car to a high ground lever is smart.

Driving through flowed waters is not smart. And we know why.

I believe in the future, there will be better plans to handle these storm emergencies. Starting with how you build your home, high level storage spaces for cars, School evacuation or shelter in place

plans, and communication alternatives.  Have anyone ever heard of carrying a whistle around your neck or wrist in preparation of a bad storm?  Not a bad idea when its unpredictable if your house get demolish and you are in it-something I hope never happens to anyone, but it do in many cases.   As a matter of fact, I’m going out to  buy one today! ! A whistle will make a great holiday gift  and   stocking stuffer.

Don’t forget to have an emergency practice drill with your family and stock up on foods enough for at least 3 to 4 days and water for all of your family as it might not be safe to drink the water you have in your home dued to the contamination from the damages to the water treatment plants. Start filling up empty jug water bottles for washing you face at least and drinking. Don’t waste on the toilet, because a little bleach can take care of odors and keeping air fresh.  Recycled water from dish washing and baths is great for flushing your toilet.

Thank you for visiting my website. Hopefully, I can be more consistent with writing on my blog.

So, donate when you can to the Red Cross and any other organization that you trust and know that they are out there to help.  It doesn’t hurt to keep in contact with the areas that have been hit by storms and to let them know you care and to find out what their needs are as they rebuild.  The media just don’t go back enough to do the follow-up needed because many are dealing with the frequency of the storms now and those that are just up ahead.   However, Fox Weather go back a lot to other times of hurricanes and tornados.  One I believe they do a comparasome of the types of storms and what it looks like today. There’s got to be a learning process for them and us.  After listing and looking at their various maps, you will almost be a weather expert yourself!  Truly, we are in an unprecedented period of

storms that have changed our way of living.

Talk to you soon and stay safe!

Also, Please leave a comment on the subject and I truly welcome your ideas and suggestions!

Thelma Harcum

Super Affiliate System on link below.  To keep my website going, I do place affiliate links on my blog.  Thank you for buying and just visiting to see what’s up!


Staying Well Amidst The Smoke Invasion

Hello All,

There is no doubt that the smoke from Canada has an infect on a large US. I can’t imagine the people affected there in Canada.
Hopefully, the fires are getting under control as well as those in New Jersey in Jackson.
For your safety, continue to protect yourself by wearing mask and keeping your windows down as well as limiting you stay outside. Communicate not only with your children the smoke dangers and check on your elderly friends and family..
You don’t want to wear any restrictive clothing that might affect your breathing at this time. You need all the oxygen you can get.
Particles from the fire could still be lingering in the air that you cannot see and still affect your health.
It is not only people with respiratory problem that could be affected, but it could anyone who is breathing. Animals can be affected too. So monitor your pets and limit their time outside if you can.
Keep your mask with you at all times and keep some extras for others you see, who might need one.
If you are on asthma medicine, you might want to take a dose before you leave the house. Many of the complaints are sore throat, itchy eyes and shortness of breath.
If by any means you are having sever shortness of breath that is not controlled by medications, go to the emergency room right away.
Again, even if the air is cleared, you must take precautions and have your medication with you at all times.
Some of the apps to monitor Air Quality Control is:
1. AirVisual Air Quality Forecast
2.. Air Quality by Blume Labs
3. Air Matters

  1. Airly
Here is a website that could help you understand how to set air conditioning unit to cut down on the wildfire smoke from entering back into your home.
The takeaway from this article:
1. Block routes for outside air to keep it from coming in-within reason.
2. Keep exhaust fans off

So, stay safe and monitor the weather a lot more often than you ever have done before, because climate change is with us in unprecedent times, and the smoke is one added concern.

*Also, don’t forget to change your filters in the home and your cabin car filters.

by, Thelma Harcum

Affiliate links are placed on this blog to support the time writing and researching subjects. Thank you for your support!


Where to Donate to the Rolling Fork Disaster

</code>Hello Everyone,

Thank you for visiting my website and supporting my efforts to share information that could be important to you and others.

Storms and tornadoes are almost everywhere, which leads me to the recent Rolling Fork, Mississippi F4 tornado, leaving the residents with unbelievable destruction.

I know you are wondering how I can help.  I am left with the same thought, but know that I can donate to the Red Cross.  That, you can also do right now.

Go to 

Here is a link to check out too as they have direct connections to organizations in Rolling Fork.  Mississippi tornado: How to help victims of the disaster – ABC News (

You can also keep your weather  TV station on to also get links to many of the organizations helping and find out what the needs are. The Armory at the Mississippi State Fairgrounds in Jackson is collecting bottled water, can goods, and paper products.  They are open from Sunday through Tues  9 am to 3 pm.

The United Cajun     need volunteers with trucks and vans to help deliver goods.

Before going any place, though your help is much needed, check before you go to see what the updates are as things are changing every minute, and the weather is always changeable.

Alabama was also hit by this tornado, so send some love there as well.  You can google just where to send goods from just where you are as there are many churches and organizations helping out.

Again, thank you for your support and to be sure, you can make a difference!

Thelma Harcum ,  Advocacy One

Advocacy One, Connects with Seniors to Navigate the computers (its original focus),  assist in crisis situations, troubleshoot personal/business (conflict resolution support) issues on a one-on-one basis, and share resource information. At present, Advocacy One is a volunteer group and only takes donations   Contact:  You can donate to my organization:

As an update to my Organization, Advocacy One, I will be collecting toiletries to packages to send to Tornado stricken areas.  Toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, socks, underwear, hand sanitizers, and water. and other items that most people use on a daily basis. A&D, Aquaphor, and other types of skin lotions, garbage bags, backpacks for individuals to store personal belongings, and helmets.

Also, if you know of anyone who could donate a vehicle to transport goods. I could use one.

If you want to donate any items in that category, send me a message.

Thanks again, for visiting my website. I hope you all have your “Go-Bag” ready in case your area gets hit by a tornado.  There is a list of tornado shelters in every area you live in if you don’t have a good storm-tornado shelter.








Connecting With The Now

Hello Everyone,

With so much going on in the world, it’s hard to focus on what is important.

I would say security is paramount as we see in our daily lives, crime on the rise and in many versions.  Just simply shopping, you need to be concerned about if anyone is following you in the store and when you leave the store.  Just be aware at all times and try to park as close to the store as you can.  Try to shop with another person as well as to go in two’s when jogging in the neighborhood, parks, and wherever you go to enjoy the outdoors.  There are many things you can do to keep yourself safe.

The many factors of safety include ensuring your options in social media privacy on all of them. Have someone check the computer that you can trust to check your privacy setting if you don’t know.  You might want to download a “don’t track me” app from Microsoft to prevent some of the ad sales and marketers from following you.  Change your password every six months or often if you so choose.

We are certainly in the midst of rapid global warming.  Check your insurance to see just what you are covered for. Don’t wait, do it now, because you just don’t know just how climate change could affect you as it has severely affected many people in our country and many other countries as well. It’s all real.  Do send your donations to reliable charities to help when you can, because you never know when you could be next. I donate to the red cross every year even though I am a member of the red cross but not active at present due to working as a nurse with special needs children. The Red Cross is usually the first one on the scene when disasters occur when it’s safe for them to go to help people find shelter, food, medicine, and many other services they might need. Do keep a list of your medicine and your family’s medicines-include allergies in your wallet.  Don’t hurt to list your blood type.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Do return as I will be writing more about this subject in specific.  The major earthquake in Syria and Turkey yesterday, as well as the tornados in the US-affected areas of Florida and forest fires out west, really put things in perspective of the need to prepare and be alert. Many other countries and territories are still in recovery to maintain some form of stability and normalcy to build on. This includes all of the places you know that are in that situation-Haiti, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and others.

Feel free to write a comment. This was writing off the cuff for now and time is not always on my side, but I did want to keep things moving.

by Thelma Harcum

Affiliate links are placed on my blog to help support the time spent on writing hopefully, content you like and appreciate. Thank you for visiting, thank you for visiting my blog!

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Winter Preparedness Is Vital!


Hello  Everyone,

Yes, we are bombarded with unprecedented storms, hurricanes, and tornados as well as forest fires in some areas of the earth.

The time is now to get ready for all you do to protect yourself, your family, and your home.

Here is a list of things you can do now to get prepared.

  1. The Snow coming:  Get the shovels and salt ready. You can place them in your car and at your home.
  2. Listen to the weather station as often as you can as soon as you hear the alert there and on your phone. (you can sign up for weather alerts on your phone with the various apps to download.  The Google Store is where you check for apps in general. (for those who might not know.)
  3. Pack extra gloves, hats, blankets, and coats in your car as a backup.
  4. Include in your car, healthy snacks, and bottled water. This should ber a go-to for all times.
  5. Extra phone chargers and plugs are wonderful when you need them.
  6. Keep your tank full if you can.
  7. Look for higher grounds if you are in a low-ground area or close to the ocean.  i noticed that with these hurricanes, so many cars were damaged.  If only the push for moving your car to higher grounds was not suggested, let alone yourself! And while we are talking, move the animals to a shelter, even if in another state to protect them.  We must do things differently in the future, because, we just don’t know when and where the next storm will hit.
  8. .  Start sending those pictures to other relatives to preserve your pictures or download them on a disc that has a lot of GB and/or sent to the cloud-include all important documents as well.
  9. Waterproof safety boxes are great and finding a place to either bury in the ground or sent to a safe place is an option.
  10. Medication is important to have ready and in a waterproof container.  List all of your meds, medical contacts, medical history, and anything important to you on paper, take a picture, and include it with the download on a disc. Send a copy to another relative you trust as a backup.
  11. Talk to friends and relatives, about plans of evacuating and possibly moving in with them in the event of an emergency.
  12. Information is everything and your life is important. When they say evacuate, Please Do!
  13.  Helmets make sense to have available considering the number of debree that could hit you outdoors or inside.  Also, wearing boots and changeable clothes will help so if you get on dry ground,  you can get some comfort.
  14. I spoke about placing your personal items in a backpack in case you need to relocate. It frees your hands to hold other things, like your children and pets. Included in your backpack should be PPE we are using in the covid-19  pandemic-gloves, sanitizers, masks and hand wipes. Include a garbage for clothes that might get soil and sandwich bags to store small items.

These are just some reminders that might be useful to think about for the now and the future. Do return for other ideas.

Thank you for visiting my website as I pray for those who lost their loved ones, homes, and livelihood in the recent storms.  My gratitude to all who are on the ground helping in any way they can.  Every little thing one does is appreciated and will help to rebuild their life. Support from others in any form will get many people back to some normalcy if only for a small bit.  Food, water, shelter, and Love are at the top of the list!

By Thelma Harcum

I’m Back! Let’s Reflect Let’s Review Issues in Your Face Today

I’M BACK! Let’s Talk About It!
Hello All!
Yes, I’m back to writing and sharing news, tips and new insights.
We are certainly living in a phase of life were changes are occurring all around us.

To catch up on what has occurred in our recent lives, while looking towards the future, there’s a lot to talk about.

Some of what I will be talking about are. . .

1. The passing of England’s Queen Elizabeth (this is a lady I’ve adored all my life.) I always thought she looked alike, like my mother. But to focus on what her life did for women in the world is priceless and amazing! To know who she really was, is anybody’s guess, because, I believe we really don’t have the inner touches of her being as a mother, a wife, a leader of a free people, and a supporter of America and many other countries.

2. The power of voting. My grandson just turned 18 and is a senior in high school. said no he’s don’t vote! I gave my account of why it’s important to him as well as everyone who lives in the USA. It’s your power, and for all the fighting my ancestors did just to be free from slavery, he’s got to come better to me with that answer. This is leading me to write all schools to please teach our children something about how our government works, and how it affects everyone-even our animals and environment, etc.
At least teach them who our president is and perhaps, who is our vice president and what they stand for in their bid for their positions in our government. No allowance for my grandson until he can tell me why it’s important to vote. I want him to know what’s on each dollar bill that could connect him to our government. Who are those people on those bills and why and could one day, could his picture be on a dollar bill? Please, everyone, whoever you vote for, at least vote! It is your power in many ways. Help me campaign to bring back civics in schools and even independently as a club, organization, or extra-curriculum course.

3. Crime has gone up and so have drug overdoses. There’s a lot to talk about on that subject. 2 people in my family have died from drug-related activity recently. One person, a young man, my brother, and his wife adopt as a young child, 26 years old died from a drug overdose after finding his biological family and going to their drug-infested world. Also, my daughter’s father was murdered trying to get people to stop selling drugs from his apartment in New York City. Drug activity on the street where I live, and now the
street got shot up a week ago only 5 houses from the police station. The fight against illegal drugs and the effects of drugs is not a good marriage when it turns into criminal activity that destroys neighborhoods, schools, and a peaceful way of life.

4. The other subject of discussion is climate and global warming. Ian’s destruction took down a large part of Florida to the point of wonder about a lot of things-should people rebuild and how, will the insurance payments and how much, and so many other questions. When your infrastructure is gone, there are untold and unimagined gaps that need to be filled to get back. The biggest start for all people is the now. You need food, water, shelter, and your sanity. Support from so many people and continuing support is what works best for anyone in this situation. The love and support in these situations are very much appreciated, and I know that in this country, people do reach out and give from their hearts.
In light of what a hurricane and tornado can do to anyone and anywhere, we all need to prepare for the next storm. I’ve written a bit about preparing for an emergency. Please find that article here. Hopefully, I’ve included a link to related articles. Please keep giving in any way to help people in crisis. It can save a life and give hope to those who have lost so much. Hopefully, there is crisis support to give support to those in need of mental health and their animals (that’s a subject all of its own-what happened to people’s pets! Can you imagine those poor souls, trying to figure it all out? Many owners had to let them go due to that horrific situation. If you can adopt a pet, it would be so appreciated, because pets are loved by those who owned them, but can’t find or care for them. Let’s not forget, that many people, unfortunately, died from this massive storm and will not be there to comfort their beautiful animals/pets. A storm like Ian’s can take a toll on people’s health in general.
Healthy foods, clean water, and medication needs are vital to living and coping with this crisis. Caring is love that extends itself in many ways. Love is medicine itself. So look for those organizations who are there on the ground to assist in this situation. I support the Red Cross,
Central Kitchen, The United Way for what I can do. I am a member of the Red Cross and help out when I can. I send funds every year to them anyway.

Yes, there’s a lot to talk about.
I welcome your thoughts on anything that’s on your mind, by the way, I forgot to include what you think about Twitter taker over by Elon Musk and his offer of the charge per month of an option of verifying who you are as a subscriber. “Do you think a birth certificate on your profile on tweeter will be enough? (smile) I could think of a better way of spending $40 billion dollars-What on people, education, and medical research. Not getting a penny from me.
Yes, I’m back. Looking forward to a beautiful fall and light winter. The heating bills and other utilities will go through the roof. Perhaps this is the next emergency and we’d better have plan 2 in mind to get through it.
Peace, Love, and blessing to all.
Thelma Harcum
Advocacy One Is an ongoing organization that is ongoing as a resource and a light at the end of the tunnel. Its original purpose is to teach seniors how to navigate the computer/internet, how to acquire the internet, add apps and antivirus software to their computers and phones, etc. Research is part of the organization, so it takes a little time to find answers to problems; encouraging clients to do their own research is major in that they can get in the habit of doing their own research. (Being a nurse, Advocacy One is enhanced by contributing medical information and problem-solving assistance. Troubleshooting a specific problem is part of what the Advocacy One Program is about. Set up as a volunteer organization for now, but donations are accepted.
I will notify my readers when that website is set up.
Any donations you might want to give Advocacy One can be sent to:

or Thelma Harcum
17 Pickwick La
Willingboro, N.J. 08046