Tag Archives: Making Plans For Weather Changes

How The Climate Change Affects Everyone

Hello Everyone,

Time is flying and so much has happened in our world that affects how we live today and our future.

As I watch the weather disasters around the world, it really makes me wonder about the future of earth as we know it.

It is very difficult to not know that people’s lives have changed dued to their personal experiences in trying to rebuild their lives after damaging storms.  Giving at a time like this is what many people do to support their efforts to rebuild and to maintain some comfort, be it in a shelter, with family or temporary government housing assistance.

So continue to give what you can financially and even give support to pick up the pieces to damaged homes and businesses.  Offering a meal to families hard hit is always appreciated as the storms seems to be coming at a more frequency rate.

I really appreciate the weather people who warns us of up-coming storms, hurricanes, tornados and storm surges from many coastal areas.  I happened to keep my TV at Fox Weather. There are others weather stations that also do an awesome job of reporting the weather.  I’m thankful to them as well as all of the weather men and women who warns us so that we can prepare.

I truly appreciate the electrical  and emergency  men and woman out there working hard to restore power to homes and save lives. Not enough can be said in appreciation of all their hard work.

I’ve written on several of my blogs about preparing for a storm emergency. Check my site for the great tips you can read and the links I placed from other web pages.

Hopefully, everyone is listening and making plans in event your town gets hit by any of these storms and take all precautions given to yo!.  Most towns have an emergency alert system that will notify you via phone and TV. So, keep your phone charged and event have a transistor radio on hand in case the cell phone towers are down. Yes, you can still get a transistor radio; just google it and they will pop up.

Call and check on your elderly neighbors and family in general and share information with them as weather conditions changes around you.  Find out where your nearest shelter is and what is your community plan for evacuation if need.  The most important thing is to be alert and move out of harm’s way of falling trees, electrical wires, and escape routes from your house and where to relocate.

Make a plan for everyone and also, take the time to get out to enjoy what good weather and days left of the season to regenerate.

If you know a terrible storm is coming to your area with short notice, it don’t hurt to stay dressed-with shoes and boots on-, hand bag, keys nearby, dentures in and your emergency bag near you.  It might sound funny now, but with what we are all seeing, it’s  no joke when it happens to you.  I know some people have a boat near their window or door in case they need to get out of their homes from rising water. Many people say to keep an ax in the home in case the attic is the only escape! I hope that never happens to you!  Taking your car to a high ground lever is smart.

Driving through flowed waters is not smart. And we know why.

I believe in the future, there will be better plans to handle these storm emergencies. Starting with how you build your home, high level storage spaces for cars, School evacuation or shelter in place

plans, and communication alternatives.  Have anyone ever heard of carrying a whistle around your neck or wrist in preparation of a bad storm?  Not a bad idea when its unpredictable if your house get demolish and you are in it-something I hope never happens to anyone, but it do in many cases.   As a matter of fact, I’m going out to  buy one today! ! A whistle will make a great holiday gift  and   stocking stuffer.

Don’t forget to have an emergency practice drill with your family and stock up on foods enough for at least 3 to 4 days and water for all of your family as it might not be safe to drink the water you have in your home dued to the contamination from the damages to the water treatment plants. Start filling up empty jug water bottles for washing you face at least and drinking. Don’t waste on the toilet, because a little bleach can take care of odors and keeping air fresh.  Recycled water from dish washing and baths is great for flushing your toilet.

Thank you for visiting my website. Hopefully, I can be more consistent with writing on my blog.

So, donate when you can to the Red Cross and any other organization that you trust and know that they are out there to help.  It doesn’t hurt to keep in contact with the areas that have been hit by storms and to let them know you care and to find out what their needs are as they rebuild.  The media just don’t go back enough to do the follow-up needed because many are dealing with the frequency of the storms now and those that are just up ahead.   However, Fox Weather go back a lot to other times of hurricanes and tornados.  One I believe they do a comparasome of the types of storms and what it looks like today. There’s got to be a learning process for them and us.  After listing and looking at their various maps, you will almost be a weather expert yourself!  Truly, we are in an unprecedented period of

storms that have changed our way of living.

Talk to you soon and stay safe!

Also, Please leave a comment on the subject and I truly welcome your ideas and suggestions!

Thelma Harcum

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