How You Can Help To Reduce The Corvid-19 Virus and Variants Numbers

What Can You Do To Fight Against The Corona-19 Virus and Its’ Variants?

Hello, Hello, All!
There’s so much going on in this world! The disasters seem to be mounting day by day;  a new story erodes that takes the attention away from the pandemic that we still face. Now there are talks of perhaps shutting down the country here in the USA in order to control this deadly virus. Thankfully, we have a vaccine and other treatments to fight it. It is not easy to know that loved ones are dying and some needless. (Let’s not forget this is a global pandemic and other countries also need to get vaccinated.  I’m thankful for the sharing of the vaccines to other countries from the USA and Other Countries sharing!)

Yes, I believe we need to do a shut down in some capacity in order to gain some control over this coronavirus.  I believe it’s out of control as many are not vaccinated against this virus and will need to get vaccinated ASAP. Truly, this is a fight for our lives. What I’m seeing are people masking up again and taking it seriously. I am so very thankful for this and hope everyone continues to hang in there, as there are more options opening each day! Science can only do but so much, but it’s up to us to all do our parts. Thank God for the Scientist who has jumped to the cause to save the lives of many.
Meanwhile, there are still many people who need to have medical care and even surgery and are putting things on hold. The hospitals are now overwhelmed, but if you are having a heart attack, you need immediate care!
What I feel is a shame is that the children have started back to school, and many schools have to go back virtual as before, because of the coronavirus breakout in the schools from several of the children. Remember, the variant is even more contagious.
You can also help in reducing the number, by keeping healthy- eating a balanced diet, fresh air, and keeping your spirits up. Your mental health is very important at this time because stress on the body does affect your immune system.
It is important to keep in touch with your family members and have discussions about this virus to compare notes and to be supportive to each other. If you have a family member who’s has gotten the corvid-19 virus or any of the variants, like the Delta virus, discuss how, they were treated, their symptoms,  any after-effects, and post-care. This documentation should be noted in all aspects of recording. That means, your doctor should know every little change in your condition as well as your immediate family. Journaling should be an almost mandatory thing to do in these times. If you know the symptoms of being infected with the coronavirus, then you know what you should do. Taking your temperature, noting any excessive tiredness, shortness of breath, are truly some of the signs you need to watch for. If you have doubts about what is happening to you when you have any of the above symptoms, get a Covid-19 test to get some answers as soon as possible and of course, start to quarantine yourself from close contact with others wear a face mask. Yes, even in the house if you need to protect others living with you.

Washing your hands as often as you need. Keeping things around you clean is important.  Anything that drops on the floor, wash it or sanitize it.  Keep your sanitizer with you at all times.  You can get small size sanitizer to keep in your purse and even place one in your child’s book bag for an older child.  Check on your child’s school policy as most schools will have PPE equipment available.   Check on your child’s school anyway and go and see what’s set up for the school as a whole as having available the PPE.   Is there enough ventilation? Are there paper towels available? Are there reminder notes in appropriate places in the school about the rules and regulations in relation to the Coronal Virus?  Is there Corona Virus testing in your school?  Are there permission slips you need to sign for your child to be tested?  Do they take everyone’s temperature before entering the school?

Also, check out the school’s policy for the return to school for a child who had tested positive for the coronavirus.  As you see, the questions go on and on as parents, teachers, and families are all concerned about being safe.

Have special trach bags or baggies to place used face masks and a separate one for a reusable face mask.

Thank you for visiting this site and well wishes to all. Yes, Yes, we will get through this together!!
So, as I end this conversation, be reminded to keep up with the news updated about the corvid virus. New government mandates and changes about the virus itself should be noted everyday as your daily read as well as your notification via radio, TV, internet and other resources. As in war, you’ve got to study the enemy and know how to win the war.

You can also have discussions with your children from time to time about the coronavirus and let them know about updates about any changes they may have.  You might limit any extended social activity your child may have with their friends.  Not all families have your viewpoint about the virus, and that could be a danger to your family if they are not taking safety precautions.   Discussions with your child can be about “how to wear your face mask”,  “how to wash your hands,”  “where to buy PPE”, ” research about the coronavirus and updates.”

Most importantly,  keep your spirits up and participate in as many fun things as you can to find your normalcy in this pandemic environment!

As always, I welcome your comments. Thank you all for doing all you can to join forces in the fight!!  Protect your lungs as this virus need oxygen, blood, and nutrients to live. CLOSE THE DOOR  by MASKING UP!  That is something that everyone can do!!

by Thelma Harcum

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