Tag Archives: Being Grateful

Alerts On Father’s Day


Happy Father’s Day to all who are fathers to your children and that of others.

Like Mother’s Day, it’s the time to be thankful for the great fathers out there who have stood by their children and have been the best support in their well-being.

It is a time to share time, share a thought, share memories of  the good things you have about them.

Not everyone feel that way about their fathers, and for many reasons.  What I say to that is to understand that many fathers could not be there for you because they had a problem that they could not handle and/or have stepped out of a difficult situation in order for them to survive.    Part of this life is to understand and reach out when that person is unable to reach out to you.   If you are unable to reach out, than  step out, so that you will not   sink with the ship. Keep trying if you think it is  an urgent situation and let someone else know.

When you have done all you can do for a person, it is time to stand back and to go towards the door that is open for you and step in.  When you have done your part to try to remedy a situation, there’s  no guilt, no hard feelings, and most of all, you are the whole person that you were made to be.

Yes, holidays are fun for some, but for others, there are great memories of a father not here, and/or a father here, but not here.  Many people suffer so much with each holiday, that the need for a hot line should be available for those that need.

Today, I called and wished several of my siblings and brother-in-laws a wonderful Father’s day.  Fathers are so important to the family and make the family what it was meant to be. A family. All children want to know is if you are there when they need you.  That alone represent love to them. Love,  many times,  if not most times is a non-verbal expression.  Especially in many families who don’t exhibit  expressions of love of hugs and kisses, but perhaps a pat on the back and a acknowledging smile and listening,  seems to be the norm for them. 

When my mother-now deceased- would place a special plate at the table for me when I visited,  to me,  was an expression of love as I sat between her and her husband, my step-father and enjoyed a meal together.  All of the other children  got their own and perhaps ate at a different times or have eaten already. I was the oldest of the 13 children where there seems to be a generation gaps between us and so a few of the children  might have been in diapers, drink out of milk bottles or was  sleeping.

I hope this is a great day for you and your father.  If your father is not there, go find someone to connect with or call others you know,  just to wish them a happy day.  Do something great for yourself on father’s day in memory of your father if that be the case. Be thankful for fathers who are real fathers.  Be Grateful!

“If you have nothing to give your children in fine clothes and money,  and you are down and out,  than Give your heart to them as  all is well in their eyes.”  quote by Thelma Harcum

By, Thelma Harcum

PS.  Yesterday, while driving  in Atlantic City,  I saw a car that said “Suicide alert”  written all over it with contact numbers and other contact phrases.  I have never seen a car like that.  It seem the suicide rate is up there where people are gambling and lose their money and among  people in the limelight who has celebrity status.   Teen suicide has been going up all along.   I believe much of the drug abuses are because of people trying to numb the pain they are experiencing,  when they need to seek out  t counseling. 

Perhaps this is a subject to investigate more to understand.   If you think you are suicidal or having thoughts of harming yourself or even someone else, call the suicidal prevention lifeline number  1-800-273-8255 or call the hospital and even 911 for  help.  Medications, chemical imbalances, family disputes, broken relationships, or some extreme loss are some sort, are some of the reasons. You are not alone when problems occur.  The most important thing to do is to talk to somebody, anybody, to get some insight on why you are feeling the way you do and call that number.   Counseling is important for anyone who have a problem they can’t sort out.  You mental health is very important for your well-being.  You life is very important!!!!   
Thelma Harcum