Tag Archives: Grandson Kyle and the Steelers

My Grandsons Will Be at The Pittsburgh Steelers Game Today

Hello, Everyone!

I’m finally getting back to blogging. Lots of awesome subjects to write about that I’ve encountered in real life!  Subjects that most people don’t speak about, but affect other people.

What I’m writing about at this moment, is that I’m trying to get someone from the Pittsburg Steelers Team to do a halftime shoutout to my Grandson, Kyle Holden 15, a die-hard Steelers fan, and wish him a happy birthday.

It would be one of the best birthday presents, he could ever get!

Kyle Holden and his brother Manny Holden are basketball champs for the Hines Basketball Academy and are Timber Creek High School, athletes.

If you know anyone who do this wonderful deed,    It would mean so much to me!

Thank you for visiting this site and do come back as I have some of the most wonderful ideas and subjects to write about.

Creative Wonders To Living is what Advocacy One, My organization in the works, is about to share resources and helpful tips that will help you in some sort of way.

I value you as my readers and wish you well.

I wish more of you would comment. My joy is when WordPress, did a pingback on one of my articles.  It’s like winning the grammys!!!

by Thelma Harcum

I wish all football teams the best for this year. Hopefully, we all remember it’s a game. We win some and we lose some; hopefully, win sometimes. Any sports game does not define who you are.  It is what’s in your heart that shows the world who you are!  Team sports do bring challenges, built character, and aid in you being an analytical thinker on the Spot!