Tag Archives: Great Finds At the Dollar Store

Great Finds At Low Cost Prices At The Dollar Store

Finding a bargain is a Sharing Experience


Hello All!

I hope you are well and thriving as we now approach the Spring. Unfortunately, we have had some very bad news as with the shootings in New Zealand and the terrible airline crash in Ethiopia. Many prayers go out to everyone involved. This article will be about the great finds at the dollar store. This is a store I find so helpful to many in these uncertain economic times. To save money is always a good thing! Everyone should want to save money when and wherever you can.

We are all trying to save a dollar here and there and I know this will interest you.


I went to the dollar store yesterday and behold what did I see, a bag of Himalayan Pink 84 salt that I was planning to get to cook with my meals. For a dollar, you can’t beat.


It is made up of 98 % sodium chloride and the rest with traces of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

The Himalayan Salt, mined in Pakistan, has many health benefits such as helping to regulate the body’s blood sugar, water, and PH levels and promoting respiratory and vascular health.

For a dollar, you might want to pick up an extra 1 pound bag of this fine grained salt.

I welcome your great finds! So, Leave a comment on your great finds or even on a product you used to solve a problem.

By Thelma Harcum


Look for other articles like this one on “The Great Finds!”