Tag Archives: Pandemic Support

Your Life Plans After The Pandemic

(This is a reposting)

Hello Friends,

I hope all is well with you and your family.

We all have had to adjust to this Pandemic that has changed all of our lives. How has your life changed these last 2 years since knowing that there is a Pandemic? Is it for the best or for the worst?

Many issues have been exposed since the Pandemic. We know that most of us did not have the correct information about the virus and the vaccine and many didn’t trust the information about the vaccines, even after we were told it would help fight against getting the virus.

What have we learned now about this experience of being in a Pandemic? For most of us, we have not experienced such a deadly virus in our lifetime.

What many people are saying, is that family is important. The need for child care has never been so important. However, when the schools closed and your child had to do virtual learning at home, there were not many options of what a parent could do. The conflicts for many families really mounted with the closing of schools, stores, churches, and even some parks.

What did we learn from this Pandemic?

One of the things I learned is that keeping busy with work, exercising, and communicating with my peers took my mind off the pandemic and to look towards the future. Encouraging friends and relatives to get vaccinated was an ongoing subject. Most of my friends and acquaintances were helpful to tell you where to get tested as well as where to get vaccinated.

And so, when it gets down to it, the Pandemic has taught us what is really valuable as a society and what is not. On the high end, having a close relationship with family and friends is priceless!

*To take caution to the wind, it is still advisable to get fully vaccinated and wear your mask. We just don’t know what’s around the corner. However, do remain positive and know that we will come out of this with a new future and awareness of what’s really important to us in life.

Thelma Harcum.