Tag Archives: Reprograming your Mind To Eat Healthy

Breakfast Cereal Nutrient Enhancements and The Focus On Eating Healthier

Eating Healthy With A Focus

Breakfast On The Run Can Be Easy If You Know What’s Good For You!

There are days, that I just don’t have time to cook breakfast, but yet, it is one of the most important meals of the day.

To ensure more nutrients in your dry cereals, you can add fruit to increase the nutritional value with blueberries, peaches, bananas, and other fresh fruits.  Figs and Pears are available as well in many markets.  If you have a friend who has fruit trees, you might want to purchase from them. Some farmers let you pick your own after they have harvested most of what they want.

I bought some cooked plantains yesterday and tried them in my dry cereals this morning and how delicious it was.  With the milk or soy milk, added you are covered for at least 3 of the stable group of nutrients you need each day-whole grains, calcium, vitamin C.  Of course, you do get protein from the milk, which should be calculated in your daily requirement for protein.

You can research charts for you and your family’s daily nutritional requirements. This subject is one of the most expanded niches you can ever imagine because a diet has become a medicine for the body to function properly. That means to me, that almost everyone should have a dietitian to give advice according to your lifestyle, medical condition, metabolism, age, daily activity, and so on.  When dealing with children, it’s about what they like and doesn’t like, and so psychology and politic soon enter the arena.

Though I”m not a dietitian, as a nurse, I always have to add diet into any conversation with my patients on relatable issues of their health problems.  We are all in this together in that many of us are taking care of elderly family members, or children who have metabolism problems with their weight-be it weights gain or weight loss.

When you think of metabolism, you are thinking about how your body works, your thyroid, and your hormonal factors, your brain, and much more.

What the average person is thinking about is just eating, period.  However, as we become more educated and conscious of what foods are good for us and how much of it. We are on the path to the success of taking control of our bodies.

Now, with the pandemic, I notice that people are eating out less, and when they do eat out, they don’t give a darn and the table is full of all kinds of foods as if it’s their last meal. And what’s more damaging, is that the waitress asks if you want dessert and give you a list.  Jello and unsweetened ice cream never come up. Just to hear a Triple chocolate slice of cake, and cheesecake with whip cream, sends a message to your brain, ” I got to have that”.  It’s auto-suggestion on Speed.  Don’t do it!   Unless it’s your birthday or you’re going to take it home for a snack later and maybe share it with someone.

I knew this would happen in writing this article, in that the expansion of eating on the run, is turning into major surgery.  Like I said, It is a niche that can go places because we are what we eat and drink too!

What many of us don’t do is not moving enough, and not drinking enough of the required water.

And so if you are eating on the run, focus on your whole day. A quick grab of a meal can be good if you focus on eating healthy foods and as much plant foods as possible along with fresh fruit in your carry-on bag to wherever you are going!

So focus, focus, focus.  You are as you Think. Some of us, and I included, need to be reprogrammed in all sorts of things in our lives and it’s one day at a time and one step at a time.

Do come back to this article as I will be added some diet charts and other goodies for you to dwell on to make for a better life for you and others.  Staying in shape is never more important than now, because, with movement, you don’t give the disease a chance to get to you.  That makes me wonder why so many of the elderly in nursing homes died with this coronavirus so fast.  They don’t move fast and it’s an opportunity for disease to come in and staying inside too long is not good.  That’s my hypothesis.  What bothers me more is that these people affected, didn’t have a chance, because we were all late getting the information that there was a Pandemic here, from the beginning! My heart goes out to all families who have lost love ones.  The fight is on!

Ok, now we are gathering, thoughts of 1. fresh air, 2. drinking enough water 3. exercise 4 reprogram your thinking towards better health

We will talk more about this subject.  Do come back and let’s explore!

What can you do today to start eating healthy so that you can have available in full view more healthy foods?  The answer: Clean out your refrigerator of unhealthy foods and shop with a list of healthy foods.  Do research for what’s best for you. Talk to the professionals like your doctors, and have him or her write a referral to a dietitian that can guide you specifically to your needs.

You want to get more serious about the foods you eat, well. . . start journaling or record even on your phone, what you are going to do to improve your health and your progress.  Make it fun and share with others to perhaps get some friends together who want to also eat more healthily.

Here is a link you might want to view to see the standard values of food for men, women, and children.

Do check out also the link below about Dr. Oz’s new program called The Dish on his online website.  Here, you will find many healthy dishes you can cook and enjoy.  Cooking healthy foods can be easy if you know how to be creative with them.  You can even make your own healthy snacks and learn all of the sugar substitutes you can use to cut down on sugar.

It’s all about conditioning or reprograming your taste. Your brain controls everything you do, and so it’s mind over matter.  You, in the end, make the decision for change.  Make a note of everything you eat for the day and you will be on a great start to improving your health, weight, and thinking.

The Dish: Easy & Healthy Recipes That Still Taste Good – The Dr. Oz Show (doctoroz.com)

Peace and Blessing to you all.  I’m looking for a comment from you!  Let me know that you are there, because, I am here!

by Thelma Harcum

