Tag Archives: Safety When Biking

Safety When Bike Riding At Night

Its been a while since I’ve been on a bike but recently, I see more and more people riding bikes-perhaps for transportation, perhaps for fun. Many of the riders I see lately appears to be older adults.

Bike riding is surely good for the environment and for keeping in shape, but being safe while doing so is of the most utmost importance.

What I’m seeing is some bikers don’t have any type of reflector or light on their bike. The night visibility is almost nil in some areas of the road- worse, is when I see a moble wheelchair going down the street with no lights or reflectors on the vehicle and poor street visibility. I’ve had an OMG moment several times and I’m thankful I didn’t hit this person when I was driving my car near my home.

Over 857 Bicyclists were killed in traffic crashes in 2018.

Safety in driving any mobile or pedal vehicle is important. Driving a little slower at night is always a good thing- preventing an accident that could injure and even kill someone.

Hopefully, a law will be passed that will require all moving vehicles have some sort of light or reflectors on them.

Even if you are walking at night, there are reflectors you can purchase that will let others know that you there. Just a simple glow in the dark sticker can be lifesaving where you can place them on your bike, front, back and sides for others to see you.

We all can be an advocate for those people who are mobilizing in the dark without safety in mind. If you can, have a conversation with that person and even offer information where they can purchase a safety item for their bike. There are many bike/cyclist groups and bike shops that can educate you, your friends, and your family about more bike safety tips.

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With the holidays coming, gift shopping could include such items for someone you know that could use safety items for their bike or mobile vehicle.

Helmets are the first line of defense in bike safety.

For more information about Bike Safety, you can visit the link below. There are all sorts of stats about this sport that is important for Cyclist Safety from the NHTSA (NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION).

by Thelma Harcum




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