Tag Archives: Vote McAuliffe Governor for Va

Why McAuliffe Should Be Governor of Virginia

 Voting for Terry McAuliffe in Virginia Will Make America Better!!

Hello and Welcome to Creative Wonders To Living

As a Virginian now living in New Jersey, I have gotten more involved in our politics and enjoy trying to add to a positive change.  There are so many things I’m learning about our democracy and how it works.  What I have been most impressed with is the candidate, Terry McAuliffe.  I saw him on a special Book Review at a Library program- that I will have to go back and find-and was very impressed with his views on many of the problems we are facing in our country.    Yes, he was on a C-Span tv show. Perhaps you can get a rebroadcast on YouTube or Google it.

Here is a link to a  glimpse of who he is.  McAuliffe calls for Virginia to ‘diversify’ teacher base, citing the percentage of White teachers (msn.com)

He just knows how our system work and should work and is not afraid to bring out what needs to change.  Also, he was the Governor of Virginia before. Experience is everything!

So research whoever is the candidate,  and make a wise decision for what you think is good for our country.

One President can’t make good changes or any changes if others don’t want America to be what it should be.  The country is almost a century behind because of politics between the 2 parties.  Maintaining and seeing our country grown should not be a personal matter of the politician, but it should be national with extensions to the global world when making the right decisions and plans for the future.  There must be a plan for our country which includes analysis, and vision to push this country forward.

Terry McAuliffe is all of those things as you read this link I’ve included in this article.

Who knows, he might be our next president; something I would invite immensely.  Thank God we have someone in the administration that is fighting to stabilize this country that has many concerns.

Yes, Please Vote for your candidate. If I could vote in Va, I would vote for Terry McAuliffe!

You have the right to vote for whomever you want to vote for as it is your right. However, no matter who you vote for, check their records and know who they are and what they bring to the table to make our country the best it can be.

Yes, you have the power in your hand with your vote, but what people don’t do afterward is to make them-you candidate- accountable for the job you voted them in for.  Enough already!

The filibuster as we see happening in front of our eyes is going to be a setback for our country, because, not every politician is thinking for a better America.  It’s about the power of their position over another party.  The 2 parties have got to work together.  A negative has got to turn positive sometimes because as we look back, the time of the century will show and tell you what went wrong and how it could have been much better. The intelligence of the American people will not allow this slant in our system anymore.

So the chips are not in for the cars, Who has this power to stop the cars from being sold?  Why are we not producing our own microchips for cars?  This is an example of what needs to change.  We must get back to producing our own products.  That’s real power.  Cresting and Manufacturing your own products.

Check out this link on why I think Terry McAuliffe is Great for America!

McAuliffe calls for Virginia to ‘diversify’ teacher base, citing the percentage of White teachers (msn.com)


These are my opinion.  Do you agree? Do you disagree? What do you think? I’m looking forward to hearing from you.  I respect your opinion. I’m a people person and will love to invite you here to my little world!

Talk soon,  Be safe.

Thelma Harcum

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