Category Archives: Health and Wellness

Keep Your Balance In Life

Hello Readers, Friends, and Family,

I hope you are having a wonderful day and have great plans for tomorrow.

So much has been occurring in the news and in all of our daily lives.

It can be difficult to keep up with everything, I’m sure.

I still think keeping a notebook handy to write notes in is one of the best things to do to keep up with all the changes that hit you all at one time.

Having patience and standing your grounds when you need to is essential to your independent thinking, integrity, and well-being.

Keeping a balance also means enjoying those moments of space in time to rejuvenate and just let your hair down.

Next to writing things down that will help you remember, is communicating with others and sharing information that could be useful to them.  For an instance, texting to friends where the lower gas prices are in your town and any recalls on foods, medicines, and other items that could affect one’s life.

Monitoring your health is one of the most important things you can do to keep a balance in your life.  That means, annual medical check-ups, eating healthier, and drinking your daily requirement of water.

Other ways of keeping a balance is your financial health.  Keeping up with your bills, and a good savings plan, all are a part of your well-being.

This is not the last issue on balance but cutting down on clutter really help you to have space to be more creative and a clear mind.  Things accumulate over the years, but there are so many ways to lessen the pain of clearing things out be it be giving things to goodwill, salvation army, restore habitat, selling online, and throwing out things no one can use.

So, keeping a balance in life can be the challenge, but by doing a little at a time and being focus, you can have a better quality of life.

Making your “To Do List” is easy. A lain piece of paper can be mapped out to add other items on it as well such as doc tors appointments, shopping list, birthday of the month list, etc. Once you’ve  made a  blueprint copy of your “To Do List”, you can make copies with your printer and add a space for your date and time. When I get a chance, I will make one, or you can check on a website that have free forms.  Its more exciting to make your own.

Chow, for now. There’s a lot to talk about.


By Thelma Harcum



Focus For The New Year

Hello Readers,

Happy holidays to you and your families.  I’m glad to be back as I recover from a unexpected fall.  Being in the medical field myself, really help me to understand so much about the care needed to get better.  This is why I write about safety often on this blog, because so much can happen in a blink of an eye. Most falls are accidental, or dued to negligence of some sort.  Do be safe in everything you do. Most people recover from a fall, but other can have lifetime injuries that can be life changing.

As we approach the new year, have you been thinking of how you can improve our present situation with so many changes that have occurred this year including the Pandemic, climate change and war?  Have you reflected back to what you have already contributed to make the world better in some sort of way? And now, as you plan for your future, are you doing something for yourself to enhance your health, financial and family connections?

Though we can’t solve all problems of the world, it is those little things we do to make a dent in not only yourself, but that of others.

Give yourself credit for all the wonderful things you do for others.  Even write it down if you need to, because we forget all that we have done for others and forget your own needs.

Again, well wishes for you for the holidays, and always think a little about tomorrow.  There’s a lot to talk about as we head into 2024. Praying for peace in the world could be the best start.  Saving Earth from the turmoil of humans towards each other, is truly something to be concern about.

Yes, there’s a lot to talk about and do. Climate change have made more people homeless than ever before.  Affordable homes are greatly needed and equality in education and pay really affect the American economy. Just one piece of the puzzle missing will not give you the complete picture, to see, understand, and react for change.

Thank you for visiting this blog.  My best advice for the year is to stop, look, listen, learn and react.  Be grateful for all you have, and don’t take anyone for granted.  Even if someone you really don’t care to be speaking to them-someone you know already and is sane- it’s good to respond back in some form, because they deserve that respect as a human-being.  There is such a thing as limited friendships. Some friends you know you can talk about certain subjects and others you can’t.  You’ve got to know your people.  Seriously!

With so much tracking going on, you don’t have to say in your texting, exactly where you’re going or coming from to those you don’t want to share that information.  To yourself, be your own best friend.


Talk soon, (looking forward to your comments.)

Thelma Harcum



It’s not late to get your free covid testing kit! Do it now so that you can be proactive in your health care.

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are having a good week.  I just want you to know that you can still get your free covid testing kit. It’s at: l received mine 2 days ago and am thankful in case I need it.

There are particulars/directions that you should be mindful of with this link.  Free COVID Test Kits: What About the Expiration Date? – Health News Hub

The numbers for the Covid-19 virus and its variants are going down where some of the mandates are being lifted. But do watch daily for any changes.  If you don’t feel comfortable around someone or somewhere, please wear your mask and be safe.  Frequent handwashing is never more important than now. Keeping your hand sanitizers nearby or on your person,  can keep you prepared for cleansing hands and surface items between handwashing. You can place a small-size hand sanitizer or the packet version inside your fanny pack or your pockets.
Again, to get the covid test kits go to:

If you need help with your order for your home  call, 800-232-0233

I just received my Covid-19( 4) Antigen Rapid Test.  It’s great to have to test just in case I feel I need a test or someone  I’m close to, needs one. The results will be in  15 mins.

by Thelma Harcum


Get Your Vitamin D In Naturally

Sif Jakobs Jewellery

How Vitamin D Work

Hello Everyone,

Today is a nice warm day here in New Jersey. It has been so cold these last 5-6 days and with the bit of snow that slowed down the community to a turtle’s stroll.
My idea of a natural Vit D uptake is to open your car’s sunroof and let the sun radiate into your car.
It also warms your car so you can turn the car’s heater off.
Yes, take advantage of just going outside and soaking up the sun with walks anywhere.
It has been reported that many of the covid patients were deficient in Vitamin D. It makes you wonder what else is the body deficient in.
So, stay healthy, think positive, and bring cheer to others by sharing what you know and being kind.


Eating well-balanced meals go a long way to getting many of the needed vitamins and minerals.
As I was driving, I frequently don’t remember to open the sunroof of my car, but lately, I open it at night to look at the stars (that is when I’m not driving) and the moon.
Let the powers of nature be the friend that comes at no cost.
What we all know is that Vitamine D helps support bone growth and health.

Vit D helps to promote influence cell growth,
your immune function, keeps inflammation in check, and keeps your nervous system working properly.
Vitamin D helps calcium to absorb in your body. The lack of enough vitamin D can cause osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Foods rich in Vitamin D are Halibut, Canned Light Tuna, herring and sardines, salmon, Fortified Orange Juice, egg yolks, mushrooms, Cod liver oil, and many other types of foods
Have a great sunny day and let Vitamin D do its job!
by Thelma Harcum

LegArt Apparel


Your Life Plans After The Pandemic

(This is a reposting)

Hello Friends,

I hope all is well with you and your family.

We all have had to adjust to this Pandemic that has changed all of our lives. How has your life changed these last 2 years since knowing that there is a Pandemic? Is it for the best or for the worst?

Many issues have been exposed since the Pandemic. We know that most of us did not have the correct information about the virus and the vaccine and many didn’t trust the information about the vaccines, even after we were told it would help fight against getting the virus.

What have we learned now about this experience of being in a Pandemic? For most of us, we have not experienced such a deadly virus in our lifetime.

What many people are saying, is that family is important. The need for child care has never been so important. However, when the schools closed and your child had to do virtual learning at home, there were not many options of what a parent could do. The conflicts for many families really mounted with the closing of schools, stores, churches, and even some parks.

What did we learn from this Pandemic?

One of the things I learned is that keeping busy with work, exercising, and communicating with my peers took my mind off the pandemic and to look towards the future. Encouraging friends and relatives to get vaccinated was an ongoing subject. Most of my friends and acquaintances were helpful to tell you where to get tested as well as where to get vaccinated.

And so, when it gets down to it, the Pandemic has taught us what is really valuable as a society and what is not. On the high end, having a close relationship with family and friends is priceless!

*To take caution to the wind, it is still advisable to get fully vaccinated and wear your mask. We just don’t know what’s around the corner. However, do remain positive and know that we will come out of this with a new future and awareness of what’s really important to us in life.

Thelma Harcum.

Staying Strong in the Midst of a Pandemic/Two Types of Distancing

Reflecting on this year of living Through The Pandemic

Hello to All,

Yes, most of us are making it through the end of the year, surviving covid-19 that have mutated a few times and as we are looking at the latest mutation called Omicron.

There is much to know about this mutated virus, but for sure, scientists are keeping pace with every new discovery to find recommendations to fight against it.

The best thing we as people of the world have done is to get vaccinated, avoid crowds, and wear masks.  Washing your hands and using sanitizers is a mainstay of what we all should do every day.

Through all of this, we are trying to keep the holiday spirit up and to have a life of normalcy.

What more can you do to fight against this virus.  I would say to keep talking to your children, friends, and people on the street of continue with all safeguards to keep this virus at bay until it’s gone or in a controllable state.

If you need to change your plans, please do so and find other ways to celebrate the holidays, weddings, and any other event you enjoy.  Who says that Christmas has to be celebrated on December 25th?  You can break up the gatherings by having different days to celebrate so that if exposed, the whole family won’t be affected by this virus.  Plan outdoors as much as possible, an event everyone will love while masking and keeping up a healthy spirit.  Try not to spend too much time alone.  This isolation is really getting too many people who are starting to get very irritable and down. A Pandemic hotline would be a good idea at this time.  Many people already have family issues where communication is cut off, (some for a good reason) and feel even more isolated.  I believe some people are suffering from depression more than they will admit to.   I suggest that anyone who feels they need any kind of help in dealing with the virus,  family issues, and friendships, seek it for you are not alone.

One of the most important things you can do is to keep busy doing what you love or explore what it is you would like to do.  Make each day count to get things done you’ve put off and to be good to yourself.  Talk to your grandchildren and let them know that everything will be alright because we have had viruses before and there are vaccines that even eradicated some of them.

Take a little time to talk to someone every day.  You will be surprised by how much better you will feel.

A little kindness goes a long way.  We don’t know the future, but we do know about today. So, make it the best day ever!

Enjoy the spirit of the season and enjoy the music, enjoy the lights.  It is a wonderful gift to experience what has always been our norm, but most of all, don’t let anyone or any negative situation change who you are.  I find that people who are unhappy with their lives, enjoy making others miserable and hurt.  You must know that this is not something you want to keep in your memory and know that it’s not your fault.  Especially if you have done all you can do to make a wrong right.  Most of the time,  some people are just who they are, miserable people who like to make others feel bad or to blame them for their troubles. There are some people who need more help than we can give.

Distancing can mean more than keeping the virus from spreading but to ensuring that your good spirit is strong enough to survive anything that will hurt you.

With a beautiful smile on your face, you will wake up to the gratefulness of life for another day and share and spread the goodness to others.

by Thelma Harcum


What Do You Do About The New Corona Virus Variant Omicron

Sudden Alert about the New Corona Variant, Omicron

   What you can do now about this new variant.

Did you hear the news of the new Corona Variant,  Omicron,  that was found in South Africa and making its way to other countries?  They found strands in Hong Kong and now many countries are making immediate efforts to control the spread.

Because this virus is different from the other virus, scientists are researching just how this virus will affect the human population. There are so many unknowns at present about this Omicron coronavirus variant.  They know it is different and can permeate the human body whether vaccinated or not.  The study is ongoing at a rapid pace to learn as much as possible about this new variant. We have science, vaccines, and other medicines to help us fight against getting very sick and dying.

What you can do is to keep informed about this sudden change in the virus as well as follow recommendations to get your vaccines.  So make sure you get your news from a reputable source such as the CDC and  WHO.

Start speaking to your children, other family members, and friends about keeping the mask on at least.  We are in a fight for our lives as this virus won’t let up.

That means, that there will be more changes down the road that might even include a shutdown.  If we stop the spread, perhaps we can stop the virus in its tracks.  That might mean, start limiting yourself in going out in crowds and making any big plans for large gatherings.  It’s almost like quarantining yourself even though you don’t have the virus or any symptoms of it.

If we all keep up the fight, surely we can beat this virus.  Most importantly, we need to prevent the deaths and increase our focus in protecting others as well as ourselves.

Start making plans for any changes that might occur.  When shopping, stock up on things that you use often, so you don’t need to shop that often.  Have a backup plan for your children in case they will need to go back to virtual learning.

Most of all, try to not panic and share your information with others.

I thank everyone who is doing what needs to be done to fight an invisible enemy.

MY prayers go out to those who have loved ones and I know that we will overcome this horrific virus.

Stay strong, stay healthy.  By eating a balanced diet, keeping positive, and exercising, you stand a chance to move beyond this virus.

Outside activities should be high on your list.  There’s more ventilation outdoors.  Plan many outdoor activities during this winter, because most people stay indoors during these months, giving the virus more opportunity to get to you.  I always wondered about why so many of the nursing home people got sick and died from this virus if their limitation of movement was part of the reason.  That is why I believe moving around or exercising is very important.  Don’t be afraid or shy about wearing a mask in anyone’s house you visit, because you just never know!  I did have a relative who came over once this year, but he wore a mask as well as I. His wife called me the next day that he was in the hospital with covid.  Thank God he’s ok, but he really went through some changes having that disease and getting back to health.  I am thankful my tests were negative and I never got sick so far with this coronavirus.  I was thankful that his wife let me know as it seems that many people are looking at it as a taboo plague that they don’t want people to know they have.

So keep up to date with any news that might come out of the CDC

Feel free to leave your comments.  I welcome your thoughts.

Love and Peace

by, Thelma Harcum

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | CDC

Foods That Increase Your Vitamin D Levels In Relations To The Covid-19 Virus Battle


Did You Know . . that many of the people infected with the Covid-19 virus had a low Vitamin D Level?

variety of vegetables on display
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are having a better new year as we continue the fight against covid-19.

Many people are still being tested on a regular basis and for safety reasons when they enter a hospital or any place where more individuals are at risk. Thank goodness, the vaccines are here to help save lives and to prevent people from getting sick.

However, what can we do on our own besides masking, keeping distance, washing hands, and no large gathering? It’s Food! Did you know that many people who got sick or died had a low Vitamin D level? After researching on the internet and watching the Dr. Oz show yesterday, my attention went to the doctor who spoke about the types of foods we should eat to boost our immune system. And so there is another thing to be mindful about. I will place a link to the 11 foods that will boost your immune system and help maintain or increase your Vitamin D levels.

If you are spending time outdoors in the sun, you are ahead of the game. The sun is a natural way of maintaining a healthy level of Vit D. (That is if you know what your levels are)

Eating the daily amount of recommended fruit every day, you are surely boosting your immune system as there are many types of fruits to eat. Some of them are oranges, lemons, pineapples, and others.

Here is the link to find other types of foods that will boost your immune system. Check the link below. The article was written by Rebecca Strong on Dec 17, 2020, and fact-checked by Kiersten Hickman

11 Best Immune-Boosting Foods to Fight COVID-19 | Eat This Not That

Looking forward to your comments. Does anyone have a healthy recipe for a healthy drink? Sometimes you can get children drinking healthier when you make a great juice drink and add other ingredients they might not like. They’ll never know with such a healthy juice mix or smoothie.

Yes, foods high in Vitamin D will give you the edge to staying well and not as sick if you do get (and I hope you never get it!) Covid-19. We are still learning about this disease, so monitor yourself and your family daily. Check the temperatures if you feel warm. A temp over 100 could mean you might even have the flu. If you have any flu-like symptoms, don’t just worry about it, get tested and follow up with the care you need. Surely, we will get through this! My deepest condolence to those who have lost love ones and friends and those affected by this most contagious virus. Well wishes to all who have recovered and doing better. Keep records as much as you can. Journaling these days can help you immensely. Watch the news and read updates on your phone and computers about this disease, because every day, there seems to a new update on covid-19.

Tweet and Facebook your friends and associates about any updates you find as some people are so busy, they might not catch up until days later.

Many people are isolated at this time and surely to goodness, call people you know that are. Suggest activities they can do to keep the spirits up. Face-time if you can. Do less texting and call preferably as the human voice can be therapeutic all to itself.

So, stay positive and keep following the CDC guidelines to be safe. We will get through this and there will be light at the end of the tunnel.


11 Best Immune-Boosting Foods to Fight COVID-19 | Eat This Not That

by Thelma Harcu

How To Prepare Your Family For Quarantine of the Corona Virus


Hello Everyone

We all know how serious the Corona Virus Pandemic is to everyone! It is a situation that is a matter of life and death, no matter how we look at it!

So much is being done to understand not only what this Virus will do to us, but what to do in the interim. One of the things to do out of getting tested for the virus, for which we don’t have enough testing kits, but that of self-quarantine.

In this situation, quarantining is a type of isolation into space for a specific purpose as a caution against the spread of disease. (the dictionary definition is: the state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to an infectious or contagious disease are placed.)

What can we as citizens do to support the self-quarantine that is needed at this point-knowing we don’t have a vaccine to fight against the Corona Virus.

Here is a list of things you can do to protect yourself and your family.

  1. Good handwashing: soap and water and hand sanitizers. Wash your hands for 20 sec with friction and dry well-paper towels if you have them.
  2. No hand shaking-Alternatives is elbow tap, head bend acknowledgment, and a smile. Other methods are shown and other social media.
  3. Eat nutritious food and drinking juices with vitamin C and water
  4. Exercise. Go for walks to keep your body healthy and functioning.
  5. Look for food centers that will provide you with food for you and your children if need be. Also the elderly will need to be considered as well due to limited ability to get out and do all the running around to shop and pick up medications.
  6. Share in child care. Set up videos to check up on your child if they are of age to be left alone while you work. Take advantage of using your vacation and sick time now.
  7. Stock up on necessities, and start now to limit the use of any goods you use all the time so that when you really get low, start rationing them.
  8. Keep tuned in to your trusted media and trusted social media sites to keep up with the updates. The phone updates will be ongoing; just Make sure that it is one that you know and use most of the time. However, do compare notes when you visit other sites for information. Information can change from state to state and from county to county.
  9. *This article will be updated from now to the end of this virus. Please come back and view other information I can share with you! So share your information with others. Communication is very important at all times.
  10. Get Tested as soon as you can. To prevent the spread, testing is almost the number one thing we should have been able to do, but unfortunately, our country was the lease prepare, which raises questions about the present WH administration and our country.
  11. Explain to your young children what is going on and how they can protect themselves.
  12. Make sure your child has a structured schedule and know how to access their online classwork. Seek help if you don’t know. Reach out to the community, the municipalities, the health, and educational systems for any questions you have concerning anything concerning this whole situation as there is much to consider.
  13. Clean your home surfaces with disinfectant wipes, soap, and water, or bleach. Even hydrogen peroxide I’ve recently seen on the news today is also used for cleaning surfaces.
  14. Keeping your body clean and breathing in good air is helpful in your overall well-being.
  15. Don’t panic. Being calm can put less stress on the body, therefore, helping to maintain a good immune system.
  16. Take care of your respiratory system. Start with special attention to your oral care; brushing teeth, rinsing your mouth after meals, and cleaning your denture holders. This includes throwing away any toothbrushes you’ve used for over 3 months. Stock up on all your dental care supplies. Dust often in your house, and use hypoallergenic pillows cases when you can and avoid smoke, strong cleaning sprays and areas of any possible mold.
  17. If you are running a temperature-a temp over 104 degrees- and cough, call your doctor and follow his instructions. Perhaps a coronavirus testing kit can be delivered to you if suggested.
  18. Take a mask with you wherever you go, because if you feel you need it, in a crowded area or expected emergency where a large group of people are, you will have something to protect you.

So, everyone, stay strong and be proactive as well as reactive. We will get through this. I love all of you and wish you well in this fight against the Covana Virus!

by Thelma Harcum


Newark Lead Water Crisis/Water Drop-off


Hello all,

We all know that water is the main necessity of life for both plants and animals. That include humans.

Lead in your water is truly a medical and environmental crisis as it leads to health problems that’s irreversible. Lead exposure can cause brain damage, kidney damage, anemia, weakness, and very high lead exposure can cause death. Children are more affected than it does adults. Do note that lead can cross the placenta and do harmful damage to the embryo. Water filters and home testers are being given out in this situation.

Learn more about lead in your water with this link.

It is unfortunate that this problem has not been presented to the public sooner, because now it is a crisis that is affecting thousands of people and in a certain location where low social-economic people live.

If you want to donate water, there are drop off sites that you can drop off cases of water. The link below are a list of places you can drop off or you can donate to: Community Food Bank of NJ, 31 Evans Terminal, Hillside, NJ 07205

I will be dropping off water next week and have donated funds to help out. Email me if you want to donate water to my area, at or if you want to donate funds to purchase water you can donate to

Thelma Harcum

P.O. Box 4746

Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

Any amount is helpful to send for this crisis. A case of water is $5.00 to $6.00

If everyone do a little, it can add up.

Thank you for visiting this website.

Thelma Harcum, Advocacy One(Pending Organization)

(Advocacy One is an organization I’m setting up that is yet to be fully identified as of all that it will do for the community. So far, all funds are out of my pockets. My time and knowledge are shared in other situations. So far, Advocacy One is a support system for crisis situations. You can contact me to be a part of this program at:

Just by writing this article and sharing it with social media is helpful to the cause. We are all advocates to problems in some way. When there is a system breakdown, we should all get on board and do something. What can happen to others can happen to you!

Hopefully, the government will solve this problem soon because bottled water is not sustainable for a long time solution. It is truly an unjust situation to the citizens of this country to let them know soon, that there is a lead problem. It’s unacceptable!

What I want to know is what are they going to do about it. You can write letters to your state and area representatives(including Governor Murphy) and let them know you want some answers and solutions. Now!, pub-8584029382945781, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

by Thelma Harcum