Lynn Dralle Fundraising Spring Fashion Show & Raffle For Ukraine

Hello, Friends, Family, and Associates from Around The Word.

Make a Date with April 2,  2022!

Early Spring Fashion Show!  A fundraiser to Help the Children of Ukraine!

Lynn Dralle, The Queen of eBay,  Author of Best Selling Books on Selling, and World Top Expert on Selling on eBay and anywhere else,  has this special fundraiser for Ukraine! A fun time you will have while fighting for the good cause of helping UKraine!

As you know, Ukraine’s needs from this tragedy of one man’s destruction of a beautiful country will be for a long time.
My friend Lynn Dralle has kicked in to help in this special way by having a fundraiser that is both fun and helpful to the people of Ukraine who are suffering the loss of home, family, livelihood, and a beautiful country that’s torn to pieces. God will prevail overall and in the end, this situation will show the strength of the world working together to never, ever permit this to happen again!
This is the link to the info on how you can purchase a raffle ticket and even purchase one for others. The prizes are really great!

Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you for your donation!
You must also get to know the world of Lynn Dralle. She alone is a gift that keeps on giving because she is full of marketing education and life experience that can help you succeed in business and in life. She has given to many organizations such as Toys for Tots, and to other charities in her community.
Again, this is the link to her special Campaign to help the Ukrainian people. Many prayers go out to all involve in this crisis. The world will help you build back brick by brick.  However, we know we can’t bring back your loved ones, but we will step in to pick up the pieces!

I’ve known Lynn Draille for at least 15 years, and will stand by her in anything she does! She is the most heartwarming and compassionate person I know on earth and you will find that out as well. WE CAN DO THIS!

Thank you all, again!
by Thelma Harcum
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Now Is The Time To Teach Your Children How Important Democracy Is!

The Unnecessary War

Putin’s War Is a War Again The World

We all know how important learning about your history is, but never has it been more important to now see, the difference between dictatorship and democracy.

Remember, that the invasion of Russia against Ukraine is not a Russia War, but

Putin’s war. When you are under the rule of a dictator, you have no voice, so, therefore, no say in what happens to you or anyone else.  That’s why Democracy is very important!  We should all appreciate it, because there are laws and rules that protect a person’s humanity. 

We are supposed to live in a civilized society, but this situation is not from a person who is.

The amount of destruction and murder in Ukraine will be remembered for all who see just what one man can do. This is not to say he won’t do the same to you! Maybe not today but tomorrow.
The only negotiation is to tell Putin to Get Out. He will face the world’s court after this is over.
God did not give us this world on earth, to only be destroyed by man. No one really owns the earth.
My heart goes out to the Russian people who are against this destructive situation and Ukraine. The bravery there with the leadership of Zolensky and all of the Ukrainian people is truly amazing. Courageous!
Today, this attack is against one country who don’t deserve this extermination of a people, and tomorrow, as I said before, It could be us.
We are a global world and what one person does will affect all of us as you see in Ukraine.

So go back and read all about the wars of the past and see today, how history is repeating itself.  But today, we have more technology, which can be good and bad at the same time. False information (propaganda) has always been a tool to persuade people in the wrong direction, but when you learn for yourself, and with a moral compass, you will decide for yourself, what is wrong and what is right. 



VOTING IS YOUR RIGHT AND A PRIVILEGE.   IF YOU DON’T USE IT, YOU LOSE It!   What? Your Rights to Speak, Live, Think and Make Choices in Your Life!


by Thelma Harcum




My friend Lynn Dralle is having a fashion show on April 2, 2022, to raise funds to support Ukraine.  Please check out this link and get to know The Queen of eBay selling!!  She is the author of many books on selling on eBay and other places, giving you tips in selling and the history of her family’s life in selling and buying and the many transitions of moving up. Her loving grandmother’s antique store started it all, and now, Lynne has continued her legacy.  It was all of her family and friends that worked together to make it work!  Anyone who know Lynn, also know she included you in all her family’s activity. If you never had a family, you sure have one with Lynn. She knows how important the Ukrainian situation is because she knows the Ukrainian people are people where family is everything!  Check out Lynn Dralle’s link below.

I want to thank everyone for your support and especially for visiting my blog. I am very grateful to you all!

Thelma Harcum


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Hello to All,

It is truly heartbreaking to see the devastation in Ukraine as this was a war that was not provoked by them. Hopefully, the sanctions will work while decisions of concerned nations put in place ways to prevent more destruction by Russia.

I was trying to get the connections of links of organizations that will help.  WordPress is one of the best companies that have open-source of website development, plugins, and many technical tools as well as educational resources in the world.  They have gotten on board to support Ukraine at this time to save a country from this tragic ordeal.
Many prayers go out to the Ukrainian people and I thank all the countries who are helping! Prayers also go to the People in Russia who are also fighting against this invasion as you are also not forgotten. There was no need for this war. The real powers are peace and success to all people in the world while preserving the earth. Once the earth is destroyed, there is no other like it! So it’s all our duty to protect and care for all that is in it!

This is a link to

*Your appreciated purchase from any of the advertisers on my blog will help with the maintenance of ensuring great content on the subjects that matters to you!


Is It Time For A 4-Day Work & School Work Week? High Gas Prices and Food Prices Remedy?

Being Proactive in a Crisis intentionally made by One Man!

Hello Everyone! My Readers, Friends, and Associates
We are truly living in an unprecedented time when justice is not prevailing in many Countries including in America.
The unprovoked war in Ukraine by President Putin has really made a move that history will remember and a time that looks like the WW2  event that affected many people and for many generations.
We can all be proactive at this time by supporting Ukraine and other countries that are in a fight for their lives.  Truly, their problems are our problem as well; especially when you have a person in the office who thinks they can control the whole world and hold us all hostage.
Yes, at a point we ARE all held hostage.  But so are they-the Russian people with all the sanctions placed on their country.  The Russian people didn’t want this evasion and are protesting against the destruction of the lives of people and their country.  What will it take to stop the killing and coinage, I don’t know, but from what I see, it’s not going to end well.
What can we do now outside of sending support to Ukraine and the countries supporting the refugees, is to start to save ourselves economically and socially?
I think it is time to start a 4-day workweek to save on gas and time.  The prices are sky-high and might go higher, no doubt.  This suggestion is for schools and businesses that could do a 4-day workweek.  It would be hard for medical facilities, like hospitals and nursing homes, who are already short on help to do this. Unless they do a 12-hour shift-for which some are already doing to maintain staff.
The other benefit from this is for parents to spend more time at home and build a stronger family unit.  The teachers would benefit by staying home and making plans for their students’ studies and for their own life.  The Covid Pandemic has put everyone behind in what a normal life was.
This is just a thought that could be put in action if enough of us would agree on it or at least to do a trial run, even if temporarily.  People are already experienced with this idea, from the Pandemic and many people are already working from home.
To lose that extra day would affect many children who depend on meals at the school for that day, but we could work around that too,  having the children take a bag home for their meals, Breakfast and Lunch home on Thursday, or have a pickup center, especially for Fridays.  People can volunteer to give out meals once they have the list.  Not a bad idea for seniors or handicapped persons who might not be able to afford the high gas prices and food prices to get to the supermarket or the money to buy any. Donations can be collected for this program.  What about a bus, going about the neighborhood to give out food to those who need it.  A bookmobile can be close by in case anyone wants to take out a library book. What a joy this would be. Just as well include a Medical Mobile with a nurse and doctor who could advise and give resources to those who might need it.
Other ideas to adjust to  the Crisis(which might be ongoing for a while) are below
  1. Rideshare with your friends, neighbor, and relativesl
  2. Do all your shopping in one run.
  3. Have others pick up items from the supermarket for you.
  4. Have one vegetarian meal (one without meat) once a week or more.
  5. Buy extra food when you can. (non-perishable
  6. Buy extra bottled water
  7. Share with your friend where you can purchase lower-priced gas and check apps like Gas Buddy to find where they are.
  8. Cut down on Electricity by changing all bulbs to energy-efficient ones.
  9. Pool your money to purchase items you need or want.  Teach your children to pool resources.  Save money by diluting soap detergents when it hits the bottom to use every drop.
  10. Share any information with others that would be helpful.
  11. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it!
  12. Have an emergency plan in case you need to leave your home.
  13. Watch out for scams.
  14. Buy and Eat Healthy Foods. Your health is more important than ever!
  15. Start or add to your community Newspapers or start your own family or community newsletter.
  16. Make plans for family activities.   know where your children and loved ones are at all times.  Note the time they leave and return.
  17. Crime is up and so be alert and watchful for anything unusual and report it to the authorities.  Lock your doors at night and day and monitor your emails and internet communications. Delete and Delete as well as block unwanted and unknown emails and messages on your phone and computers.  Unsubscribe those you don’t want anymore.  Including shredding all read or junk mail you don’t want.
  18. Have a “go” bag ready for any sudden emergency.
  19. Don’t always trust your neighbors unless you’ve known them for a very long time and they are proven trustworthy.
  20. Keep your business to yourself.
I hope you’ve got some ideas from my thoughts. As the world change, we have gotten to change with it. Many of the changes we’ve made in the Pandemic are good.  I believe the Pandemic has prepared us for the War that is occurring in Ukraine today, but not the devastation.  There’s so much Fake news out there, so look at more than one news channel to learn what really is happening.  Know that What is happening in Ukraine didn’t need to be and the shame of it is something to behold and to see that history can repeat itself.
Hopefully, civic will be placed back into the schools so that our children will know how important Democracy is. Many of us have taken freedom for granted and now we know why so many people have left their countries to experience a life of freedom to think with their own minds, to learn, to communicate, to travel, and to live in peace and harmony.
by Thelma Harcum

How you can help with the Ukraine Conflict with Putin.
A list of Organizations by WordPress.


It’s not late to get your free covid testing kit! Do it now so that you can be proactive in your health care.

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are having a good week.  I just want you to know that you can still get your free covid testing kit. It’s at: l received mine 2 days ago and am thankful in case I need it.

There are particulars/directions that you should be mindful of with this link.  Free COVID Test Kits: What About the Expiration Date? – Health News Hub

The numbers for the Covid-19 virus and its variants are going down where some of the mandates are being lifted. But do watch daily for any changes.  If you don’t feel comfortable around someone or somewhere, please wear your mask and be safe.  Frequent handwashing is never more important than now. Keeping your hand sanitizers nearby or on your person,  can keep you prepared for cleansing hands and surface items between handwashing. You can place a small-size hand sanitizer or the packet version inside your fanny pack or your pockets.
Again, to get the covid test kits go to:

If you need help with your order for your home  call, 800-232-0233

I just received my Covid-19( 4) Antigen Rapid Test.  It’s great to have to test just in case I feel I need a test or someone  I’m close to, needs one. The results will be in  15 mins.

by Thelma Harcum


Black History Week Is Every day If You are of the Black Race/and White Race

Black History is White History too because It is American History

Hello, Everyone!

As we come out of the Pandemic, slowly but surely, I know that holidays and celebrations are a few and in between.  Celebrating Black History month is one of those holidays that seem to get more attention every year.

We as black people are still trying to learn about ourselves due to the loss of our African culture and heritage so to speak.  These are 2 significant entities in that your culture speaks to a way of living and heritage in that the connection to Africa is lost and might not be truly found because of what I believe in being born to the land, air, and sea. The nature of the environment is a strong connection to heritage and so do bloodlines.  Of course, this is what I believe and you don’t have to agree to any of it.

We as black and brown people have made the most significant achievement considering there were many push-backs that kept us from succeeding in the American system even to this present day.

Many of us today, and I say us,  because I’m of the black race, American-Afro, and don’t know our history very well, but we are catching up little by little.  By reading books and participating in the many arts, sciences, sports and politics, and other fields of learning, you learn who came before you.  You will learn of many black and brown people of African descent have excelled immensely.  Why was that?  One reason is that many of the people of the so-called white race, did not want us to know and many of them kept the information hidden for so long, that the next generation of white Americans doesn’t know either.  Some of people don’t want to know or want you to know your history.  However, what we do know, is that white and black American history in this country is one history all mixed together.

One of the most important things, I’ve learned in life is that when you are in the midst of building or creating anything, you learn different ways of doing it or creating something even better. If you are a dress designer or a home builder, and even an artist, you will see things differently from anyone else. There it is, a new creation. Jazz music for example is also, one of those creations of music created by American-Afro that put it down to the world and for the world to hear.  Some of our counterparts, white Americans,  bounce on it and claim it as their own, but music belongs to no one. Some Latino, claim they discovered Jazz.  Do we as American-Afros get credit for it?  Not really, but because we have such a thing as Black History week, we are talking more about our black achievements.  And yet, we’ve got to teach our children about the black American greats,  continue to learn about Africa, and reach out to our ancestors in spiritual ways

Because, of this great divide in the American system, black families have indeed taken a step back into time and some are realizing for the first time what has happened to them and making sense of what is happening now to them.   What we see is injustices in our lives in many ways by not having the full opportunity to move forward;  that includes, housing, education, medical, political, athletics, environmental, and other avenues of learning and participation. Did you know before the movie, “Hidden Figures” that it was Katherine Johnson at NASA that made a most significant contribution to John Glen’s flight to the moon? I didn’t know that until the movie. Here’s a link to her story. Hidden Figures Katherine Johnson: A Real Star at NASA | Shortform Books     And by the way, the NASA website has a website for children and adults called  “Jet Propulsion” and all kinds of stem projects to do as well as valuable information about space. It is free to sign up. Perhaps one of your children or grandchildren will want to adventure into space research and learn a lot about it!.

I coined American-Afro as a name I believe is more suitable at this time in my life and hopefully, it will be a change for all black Americans to American-Afro in that we are Americans first in this country and African second. Why, because, that is what we have, what we are born into,  and who we are. When you have lost your identity, what do you do? You create a culture of your own. Memory is something, that you lose unless you can remember.  We can today, tell the history of each generation of what we have learned about ourselves and about the culture and life in African countries-especially if you know your roots from there.  Ancestry networks can tell you which African Countries you are genetically connected to. There are pieces of our  African culture that still exist in what we do, but we might not know or recognize it. It could be similarities in the foods we eat or a way of doing something.  The most exciting part of it is that we have got to find those hidden parts and know that our ancestors still live within us and they are always there pushing us to true greatness and peace of heart in a spiritual way.  We are truly the lost children of Africa. And. . . . a New People as well. There is no one on earth like us! An undeniable identity we created for ourselves. We are, I am.

This link might be of interest to you in what Mitch McConnell said when speaking about the  Voting Rights Bills, and The Voting Act bill in relationship to blacks voting. Is there really a slip of the tongue in what he said. Do white Americans not think of Afro-Americans- as it stands- not American? Check out this link. Mitch McConnell slams ‘outrageous mischaracterization’ over his comment about Black voters (

And so this is why it’s important to study, search, practice, and appreciate the blackness and greatness in us and to lead the world in ways that can grow and push this world forward into a  joyful existence to be happy, well, and spiritually correct to all people of the world.

This world doesn’t belong to anyone, but your creations and creativity do.  So make sure you keep what you have created.  Do document, record, and go tell the stories of your family, of your country, and to yourself.  Memory can be short or long-term, so write or record your family history in some way and talk to others about it. Whenever you go to the hospital for admission, what is one of the first things they ask you? Your family history.  So, you see, history is very important.


Always learn something new every day. Black History is shared by many because the world does not always reflect on the good that people do.   There’s got a balance of bad news and the good news about American-Afros.  The media has a responsibility to balance the news, not just to sell newspapers bad news. Too much negative news is not good for anyone.

So, as we celebrate Black History Month, do celebrate it every day and know that you are of great value, you are loved, and you will succeed!

By, Thelma Harcum

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The Senseless War Against Ukraine and Crisis to The World

When Communication is not an Option of an Aggressor like  Russia’s President Putin, it is Downright Senseless and Wrong in Ukraine’s fight to Maintain Independence of Their Nation

Injustice to one NATION is an injustice to all Nations

      Hello Readers, 

Many of you are surprised by what’s happening in Ukraine.  It was an unprovoked attack against a sovereign Nation.

            Russian President  Putin had many opportunities to resolve what issues he has with Ukraine.  But he does not want to resolve his issues by any diplomatic means,  so here we are-a devastating destruction that has no clear end and uncertain future. 

With the close proximity of the culture between the two countries, it’s amazing that the Russian people are set up to kill their own people.  

               Many praises for the people that are in the struggle for peace on both sides and all of the people and countries should recommend showing support for what is right. 

          A war at this time of life in our world is unprecedented in that we are already in a fight for our lives with the Covid Pandemic.  The amount of destruction occurring in Ukraine and the severe Sanctions against  Russia will be a vision that no one wanted and need. 

         When one of my friends from Ukraine, before Russia take over of Crimea, was giving me some of the histories of Ukraine, never did I know how bad the situation was or to be. 

      What it takes to understand this whole situation is that you will need to go back into their history to when there was the fall Soviet Union and the breaking away from it of several of the parts of the Soviet Union.   The bitterness and anger against Ukraine today is part of what the Kremlin thinking is about. 

Reason for Russia-Ukraine War: Why did Russia attack Ukraine? Timeline of events that led to Russia Ukraine Invasion (

      Hopefully, this situation will be over.   Meanwhile, there’s got to be more talking with both countries, NATO, and  Other Countries who are supporting peace to find a resolution to this crisis. 

You can contact reputable organizations to help the Ukrainian people who had to abandon their homes and flee for their safety. You can google and/or start with the around-the-world Ukrainian organizations.  The countries taking in the Ukrainian people will need help for sure to provide, food, water, shelter, and other needs. Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, and Romania are some of them. Over 368,00 Ukrainians have fled as of this date and time.

Having access to cell phones and communication with friends and relatives is important right now as well.  Hopefully, communication centers will be provided in a complexed situation.

Thelma Harcum



Get Your Vitamin D In Naturally

Sif Jakobs Jewellery

How Vitamin D Work

Hello Everyone,

Today is a nice warm day here in New Jersey. It has been so cold these last 5-6 days and with the bit of snow that slowed down the community to a turtle’s stroll.
My idea of a natural Vit D uptake is to open your car’s sunroof and let the sun radiate into your car.
It also warms your car so you can turn the car’s heater off.
Yes, take advantage of just going outside and soaking up the sun with walks anywhere.
It has been reported that many of the covid patients were deficient in Vitamin D. It makes you wonder what else is the body deficient in.
So, stay healthy, think positive, and bring cheer to others by sharing what you know and being kind.


Eating well-balanced meals go a long way to getting many of the needed vitamins and minerals.
As I was driving, I frequently don’t remember to open the sunroof of my car, but lately, I open it at night to look at the stars (that is when I’m not driving) and the moon.
Let the powers of nature be the friend that comes at no cost.
What we all know is that Vitamine D helps support bone growth and health.

Vit D helps to promote influence cell growth,
your immune function, keeps inflammation in check, and keeps your nervous system working properly.
Vitamin D helps calcium to absorb in your body. The lack of enough vitamin D can cause osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Foods rich in Vitamin D are Halibut, Canned Light Tuna, herring and sardines, salmon, Fortified Orange Juice, egg yolks, mushrooms, Cod liver oil, and many other types of foods
Have a great sunny day and let Vitamin D do its job!
by Thelma Harcum

LegArt Apparel


Your Life Plans After The Pandemic

(This is a reposting)

Hello Friends,

I hope all is well with you and your family.

We all have had to adjust to this Pandemic that has changed all of our lives. How has your life changed these last 2 years since knowing that there is a Pandemic? Is it for the best or for the worst?

Many issues have been exposed since the Pandemic. We know that most of us did not have the correct information about the virus and the vaccine and many didn’t trust the information about the vaccines, even after we were told it would help fight against getting the virus.

What have we learned now about this experience of being in a Pandemic? For most of us, we have not experienced such a deadly virus in our lifetime.

What many people are saying, is that family is important. The need for child care has never been so important. However, when the schools closed and your child had to do virtual learning at home, there were not many options of what a parent could do. The conflicts for many families really mounted with the closing of schools, stores, churches, and even some parks.

What did we learn from this Pandemic?

One of the things I learned is that keeping busy with work, exercising, and communicating with my peers took my mind off the pandemic and to look towards the future. Encouraging friends and relatives to get vaccinated was an ongoing subject. Most of my friends and acquaintances were helpful to tell you where to get tested as well as where to get vaccinated.

And so, when it gets down to it, the Pandemic has taught us what is really valuable as a society and what is not. On the high end, having a close relationship with family and friends is priceless!

*To take caution to the wind, it is still advisable to get fully vaccinated and wear your mask. We just don’t know what’s around the corner. However, do remain positive and know that we will come out of this with a new future and awareness of what’s really important to us in life.

Thelma Harcum.

The Many Uses For Coconut Oil

Sarko Beauty
Hello All!

I hope you are having a wonderful day and a great week.

I find that coconut oil is not only good to moisturize the skin, but it has many other uses.

1.  You can use coconut oil to shine your synthetic leather boots

2.  To give a beautiful shine to your wig

3.  To rub on a dark-colored printer. It cuts down on the dust and stores the shine.

4.     You can use it to give shine to your laptop after you have cleaned and dried it.

5.  Of course, you can use it on dry areas of your skin.  Coconut oil softens your skin and reduces the cracks in your skin.  To keep your hands looking soft and young smooth, coconut oil will reduce the sign of aging skin.  Your hands and neck can be a giveaway to aging skin. Coconut oil can really be your friend.

Enjoy these tips and if you have a tip to share, please do so in the comments.

Thank you for visiting this site. Subscribe to this site to be informed about more tips like coconut oil.

by Thelma Harcum

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